"Volle Kanne" / "Leute Heute" LOTL Report on ZDF (12-13.04.2023)


NOTE: Both reports have almost the same scenes and dialogues, so below is the translation of "Volle Kanne" report, as it is longer and more extensive.


Watch "Volle Kanne" HERE (starts at 51:27 

& "Leute Heute" HERE (starts at 04:22)



Nadine Krüger: …and now let’s have a look at music. Lord of the Lost.  I have to say honestly, that the name of our ESC hope this year hopefully is only ironically related to the name “Lost”, to lose, because the motto is for sure not just only to take part – no, there’s a lot at stake. One month to go till Liverpool. Therefore we thought that they still have time at the moment and we wanted to meet the rockers of Lord of the Lost in Hamburg.

Steffen Wachs (male voice): They want to surprise Europe. Lord of the Lost, that are Gerrit, Pi, Niklas, Klaas and Chris. Completely new sounds, completely different performance as seen so far from Germany at ESC stage. A show in special costumes and a lot of makeup.

Chris: Many people ask “What does it mean? Why are you doing this?”. And actually we just have to say: because we think it’s totally cool *smiles* We really like it, it’s a lot of fun. It’s a lot of fun if you make music that’s a bit more extreme, also to look a little bit more extreme at the same time.

Steffen Wachs: There’s also a lot of playfulness included. They would never go on stage without makeup, in jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. Wild, loud and gloomy at stage. But that’s only one side of the dark rockers. For who would have thought - the five also have a penchant for melancholy.

Pi: I feel more addressed by emotionally deeper songs.

Chris: That are often sad songs and from Reggae and sunshine music I rather get very bad mood.

Gerrit: Conversely - in melancholic music you can always bath yourself in a bit, I think. It’s kind of pleasant. Therefore, that always swings along with us.

Steffen Wachs: And so even the parents of frontman Chris Harms can sympathize with the music -even if they have a bit to get used to the performance at one point or another *excerpt of the Gospel of Judas reaction video with Chris’ parents is shown*:                                                             

Chris’ dad: Hey… *looking at Chris’mum*

Chris’ mum: Are you serious? *grins in surprise*

Chris’ dad: And they used to be such nice boys. *looks concerned*

Steffen Wachs: The newspapers talk about „gloomy rockers”.

Klaas: Gloomy rockers ok, but maybe the most hilarious gloomy rocker band in Germany.

Steffen Wachs: And now the Germans want to send them to Liverpool. They applied several times but were always turned down. They could hardly believe that it’ll happen now with ESC.

*Excerpt of ESC Preliminary Contest is shown*

Chris to Barbara Schöneberger: Would you please pinch me again somewhere? *holds out his arm / shoulder*

Barbara Schöneberger: Yes, come on! I’ll pinch you! Does that even go through, through all the varnish here?

Niklas: Germany can do more than just singer-songwriter, Schlager and Rammstein. There’s so much more in Germany. And we hope, that with our song and our performance we’ll be able to make the ESC a little bit more colorful.

Steffen Wachs: They see themselves confidently in a mid-table position. They’re quite relaxed and the drop height is low, because they can’t do any worse at the ESC than Germany did last year. The band shares a flat in St. Pauli and here, where the doormat is vacuumed spotlessly clean and is drunken out of cute unicorn cups, all the stereotypes one might have about dark rockers, fall away. *Pi looking at his unicorn cup*

Chris: We don’t do this, only he (Pi) does (referring on drinking out of unicorn cups). *everybody laughs*

Gerrit: There are no apartment-sharing parties, no cleaning schedule, not what else you do in apartment-sharing communities. It's not dirty, no beard stubble in the sink - although...*Class and Nik are shown, laughter*

Steffen Wachs: Not a den of iniquity for sex, drugs and rock’n roll, a sort of co-working space. They are no newcomers, have a stable fanbase and just produced a #1 album. If it doesn’t work out at ESC, they won’t fall into a hole. Prior to the ESC, they are going on a concert across the pond (a colloquial expression for a trip to America), and as a supporting band they have even toured with Iron Maiden.

Chris: We are already kind of at the start, a bit *smiles* or a bit more, but still, of course, the distance *makes a gesture in the height* to such a legend like Iron Maiden is just very very huge and you don’t expect that suddenly such a call comes.

Steffen Wachs: And also this year they will be joining Iron Maiden again and they are really proud of that.

Gerrit: When they ask you the first time, it's a knighthood, a once in a lifetime experience. You think! If they ask you the second time, it's a second once in a lifetime...whatever. *laughter*

Steffen Wachs: And this has never happened before: good wishes in advance from a king in flesh for German ESC participants. 2 minutes audience with King Charles in Hamburg:

Nik: But he actually complimented me on our outfits and asked where we got them from.

Chris: Did he want to get something?

Nik: He asked where to get it and I told him that we have a designer from southern Germany. He was totally surprised and said: "Oh, really? That's awesome."

Steffen Wachs: The five are having fun with transformations – Lord of the Lost in YMCA outfit. Little surprise: this is how they will present themselves at ESC stage.

Chris: Yes, exactly!

Gerrit: But don’t tell anybody.

Chris: Exactly, would be cool if you wouldn’t cut that in now, that will be our ESC outfit. *smiles* *everybody laughs*

Steffen Wachs: The guys just don't take themselves that seriously. Best precondition to have a lot of fun at ESC.

Nadine Krüger: We still keep our fingers crossed, fun should be had in any case. Musically they are outstanding, they do a great job, also have their big fan base and now they have won some new fans.

Mercedes Müller: And cool outfits! *laughs*




Translation: Annika Gehrke

Proofreading: Margit Güttersberger