Sonic Seducer, M'era Luna 2018

Interview with Chris and Class



Mod: Hello, this is Sonic Seducer from M’Era Luna 2018, and here with me in our little studio are two members of a band, which not only has played at the M’Era Luna regularly in the past few years, but also has essentially characterized the German Dark Rock scene and beyond. I say “Moin” (northern german for hello) to Chris and Class from Lord of the Lost. 


Chris: May I ask an interim question? I have been told this was an interview for NDR (Northern German Television) 


Mod: How so, do I have a Nordic accent? 


Chris: No, apparently I got wrong information from the director. Hello Sonic Seducer then! I had been expecting a Nordic accent!


Mod: I’d rather fit WDR (western german television), I think I might have a little accent from the Rhine area. 


Chris: only optically. 


Mod: Good, you’ve just had your show, how did you feel about the gig here at the M’Era Luna?


Class: It was cool! 


Chris: It is always an overwhelming feeling to perform in front of so many people. Afterwards you have such a euphoric elation. I don’t know if it’s just me, because I’m still so full of endorphins, but I think it has never been so crowded and so cool before. It was extremely good. Today we decided that all 5 of us would stand on the front edge of the stage, including drums and percussions, keyboards, so all of us are as close as possible, maybe that gave the special spark. Really cool. 


Mod: You also appeared very focused/concentrated. I remember former gigs of yours, where you, in my opinion, seemed more relaxed, with more “comedy”, behind the scenes and alike, as we already had. 


Chris: I don’t know, maybe, yes. I think “focused” is the right word here, we said, “today we won’t do announcements, no big breaks in between the songs, just go through the whole 40 minutes, full time, full energy”. I don’t really know why, but we were all really hungry to be on stage. The tour is coming, we want it, we put a lot of effort in the Make up etc… we wanted the full deal. Could be, that’s the reason. 


Mod: Maybe it’s also because of your current album “Thornstar”, which in my opinion turned out to be both very compact as well as very complex. Maybe it was somehow challenging for you to present it to the M’Era Luna audience, who could possibly be a bit overwhelmed, as they don’t know it yet…? 


Class: They sang along quite nicely already! 


Chris: We only performed songs that have been published as videos already, so I don’t think that was a problem. Could be also, that we are a bit euphoric today because we learned yesterday that we made it to #6 in the official album charts, which is incredibly cool – also the best position that we ever had so far. With the former album we made it to #9, which was already really fantastic. So, today it was kind of our party to celebrate that. 


Mod: Does the party continue now or do you now take time to calmly realize it all? 


Chris: On parties I’m always the silent observer, so… I’m partying really hard right now, that’s what I look like when I’m doing so… and that’s how it will go on. 


Mod: Because of your full agenda or are you already focused on the upcoming tour?


Chris: No, I’m just that kind of person. 


Mod: Maybe that’s the reason why everybody now wants you to produce their albums. 


Chris: Maybe, yes. Because I’m such a wild party animal. 


Mod: Life and soul of the party! Also in the studio…


Chris: I even sometimes laugh a bit …if it fits. 


Mod: Only then. That makes it particularly valuable. 


Chris: Who praises everyone, praises none actually. That’s how it is. Did we manage to waste the 7 minutes by now? (Turns to Class) – Now you do the talking, why is it always me the one who has to do it? 


Class: To this topic, which has already been answered comprehensively or just something general? 


Chris: Whatever. 


Class: I broke the law today. They always announce between the shows, that for crowdsurfing you get sentenced to not be allowed to watch any shows for 24 hours. 


Mod: That doesn’t count for the artists though. 


Class: I know, but still. 


Chris: Does that law come from metal, something that I don’t know yet? 


Class: I think, it is because here it is not really appropriate because people have so nice hair-dos here, which might get destroyed.


Chris: So, that law says, if you’re crowdsurfing, you may not see any shows for the next 24 hours?


Class: Yes, you hear that every time here, they always announce it. If a fan does crowdsurfing…


Chris: But you’re not a fan anyway! 


Mod: A crowdsurfing fan will go to the dungeon for 24 hours..!


Class: Something like that, yes.


Chris: Maybe that’s what some have planned anyway… I saw some wearing those dog collars etc… I think they probably find that really cool. 


Class: I think we are close to hitting those 7 minutes now already.


Mod: Next time we will go to the dungeons and have a look to see whether there is some truth in these rumours. Until then we will…


Class: …party! 


Mod: … peacefully release Chris and Class. Thanks to you and all the best for the album and the upcoming tour!




Translation: Margit Güttersberger