Sat1 Regionalfernsehen, ESC (14.03.2023)


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The guys from St. Pauli have been in a good mood since it became clear that they would represent Germany at the ESC. A real hype about the band Lord Of The Lost broke out.


Chris: Well, we gave as many interviews in the last 5 days, as we usually do in a year.

Gared: And the Spotify and Youtube numbers are going pretty high right now...

Chris: That's right, yes, really...

Gared: Just today the song somehow hit the 1 million mark on Spotify and Youtube. It was like… suddenly.


Moderation (while showing a snippet of the video):

The concept - flashy outfits, a spectacular performance and dark rock.


Chris: The main message in Blood & Glitter is "We are all from the same blood". This doesn't reinvent the wheel either, but that's something that can't be said often enough. And, um, yes, that's also a basic message of the ESC - it's about diversity and the unity of all these facets!



The band has its own apartment in the middle of the Kiez (name of the area at Hamburg St. Pauli). Lord Of The Lost was founded in 2009, they have now released 8 albums, a real success story. Blood & Glitter was number 1 of the album charts earlier this year and they were also on tour with Iron Maiden.


Chris: We're touring again with Iron Maiden this year, so we can look forward to England 3 times this year - Liverpool, Maiden Tour and our own headlining tour in autumn. So, until now, everything is still a bit crazy to understand. Especially as an authentic band, that has grown over the years, and knows what it feels like to grow step by step and have worked through all these steps and then suddenly a few things explode. Number 1 album at the beginning of the year, now the ESC...

Gared: Totally surprising, especially with the 1. Everything that's happening right now, feels like it comes out of nowhere.


Moderation (while showing a snippet of the video):

With this hit potential glam rock sound, we'll be on stage in Liverpool on May 13th. More than 150 million TV viewers worldwide will then know, who Lord Of The Lost are!


Gared: Well, nice would definitely be better than second last...

Chris: Yeah...

Gared: That would be the minimum goal and anything beyond that is awesome.


Gared to Chris: You keep your fingers crossed for me!

*Chris grabs Gared's thumbs*

Chris: I keep your fingers crossed for Liverpool!

Gared: Thank you!

Chris: We'll see each other then, right!?

Gared: Something like that, yes.

Chris: Bye

Gared: Erstma’ (floppy german farewell)



And of course, we also keep our fingers crossed!

TranslationJeanette "Jeany" Fischer