Q&A Livestream #1 - Chris Harms (3-4-2020)



Facebook Video Link here:




 (NOTE: Below we have included ONLY the German parts of the livestream, NOT the English ones.)




Q: hey, how are you?

A: I’m fine, luckily, thank you. If I wasn’t fine and had to do a live stream here, that would be really bad.



Don't you hear me well? Sabrina Seidel writes that I’m audible well. Thank you. I don’t really hear myself. As a studio musician you are used to hearing yourself when you talk or sing or whatever, but that’s not the case here. It’s pretty confusing now because I see myself on 3 screens and all of them work with time delay, that’s strange.



The project with the seniors was great!

Yes, thank you.



Q: Do you think that there will be any shows this year?

A: Ok, with this first question we already get to a very serious topic. I’m not a doomsayer or a pessimist, but… presuming the numbers, about which we of course cannot be completely sure, considering the news systems worldwide, are correct…I have to say that I do not believe in it mathematically, that us or other bands will play shows this year. That would be a disaster, but it would be a disaster within an ever bigger disaster,  that's why I want to be very humble and careful here and say we need to check how the whole thing develops; concerts are then of secondary importance, even though for us it would be financially disastrous to not play shows.



Q: Hexentanz Festival postponed to September?

A: Well people, if they postpone Hexentanz to September… maybe then for once there’s nice weather at the Hexentanz Festival… in April it’s always pretty “sporty” there… so I hope for you that the Hexentanz festival will take place.



Q: Will there be rings with the Lord of the Lost logo available in the shop?

A: Yes and no. I don’t think so. The problem with rings is, they are more difficult to make than e.g a necklace or earrings, with rings you need plenty of various sizes and in 50 % of the cases they won’t fit then… so, you order your ring, then you need to send it back because it doesn’t fit, that means sending back and forth, therefore I doubt that we will have rings in our shop. I don’t know.



Q: Dero sang a lot when he was online. Would you also like to perform something?

A: No. I don’t want to. Dero likes to sing acapella, it’s fun for him, while I hate it, I don’t enjoy singing to myself like that, it’s absolutely not my cup of tea.



Q: Do you have a favourite song on the upcoming album of “Die Kreatur”?

A: No...yes…no. I am the kind of person who has a different favourite song each day. It depends on my mood.




Q: Has the 93-year-old Ruth really been to your show?

A: Yes of course she has! It was a documentary of the ZDF (German public TV) – if they write something there, it’s true. We also didn’t have a script there, everything just happened the way it was filmed. And it was not only 93-year old Ruth, but almost the whole choir at our 10-years anniversary show, on Dec. 9th, 2019, the symphonic show. A big part of the “Heaven can wait”-choir was there.



Q: Do you speak Low German?

A: No, I don’t speak real Low German, I’m from Hamburg, I can mix my Hamburgean with a few words of Low German, but actually Low German is a language on its own, it’s not some kind of dialect – so, no, I don’t speak that. But if I feel like it, I have a pretty heavy northern German/ Hamburg accent.



Q: One of the seniors called you “Lost of the Lord” … wouldn’t that be a fun idea for a shirt?

A: I have already thought about that too. “Lost of the Lords”.   Now I feel cold again. That’s my curse. Either I wear too warm clothes or not enough. It never works out right!




Q:Do you have further ideas with the choir?

A: Yes, I do have ideas, but not along with Lord of the Lost. Actually I had an idea this very morning, but I cannot tell about it yet.



Q: What did your colleagues say, when you first told them about “Die Kreatur”? Have there been strange vibes in the air then?

A: No, I cannot remember any strange vibes; I played some Demos of it to them at some point as we were sitting in the bus from here to there on tour as Lord of the Lost – and they totally liked it. And I have no idea, why there should be strange vibes in the air anyway… we’re not married to each other, we’re musicians and each of us has the right to make music with other humans, too. It would be horrible, if that was not the case. We are happy for each other, if one of us can make a musical project happen.



Q: For how long have you known Dero?

A: For pretty exactly 5 years.



Q: Bonus CD: Why did you particularly choose the style of the 1920s? And will there be a video to the CD?

A: No, there will not be a video to this CD. Why that style? I started with the decision that we optically want to be in that style, somewhere between Jack the Ripper and “elephant man” and similar phenomenons. We wanted to do it similar to Coppelius, who say, they make music in the style of 200 years ago… we asked ourselves, how it would have sounded like 100 years ago. And so we used all our possibilities to make the whole album sound like a recording from 100 years ago. 2020 - 1920. It was obvious.



Chris reads:  Carolin Weist writes, “Dero is my youngest son.”  … and comments  "That’s nice."



Q: Do you have pets?

A: No. Yes. Yes and no. My son has pets. Meanwhile he has to take care of them himself. So, I personally don’t have pets. My son has pets.



Q: How old is your son?

A: Eight.



Q: Will we get insights from the production process of “Panoptikum” ?

A: Unfortunately not. You know, we started working on this album without even knowing that we’ll be making an album. We just started working together, at some point we suddenly had enough songs for an EP and then suddenly it even were enough for an album, and then we thought, “ok, we can as well found a band!” – but neither Dero nor me are the kind of person to constantly take selfies or film themselves…we find that stupid. We were just working very focused and concentrated, we were out eating together, talking, discussing, going for walks… we just didn’t document the production process. And when it came to recording the instruments, it was most of the time just the two of us there, so one was recording, the other one was playing. I also did a lot just by myself, for example the guitars. There was nobody else there. To be honest, it was really nice to be on my own there for once. For example with Lord of the Lost we completely documented the last production process, which is fun, but you also put a different focus on things. It was nice to be just the two of us with “Die Kreatur” – as for us this is rather a hobby besides our main jobs. We found ourselves a hobby with “Die Kreatur” … now we made this hobby another job… shit, we lost yet another hobby!



Q: Chris, the clothing style of “Die Kreatur” looks good. What has inspired you there?

A: Mainly the black and white movies from that time, starting with funny ones like Charlie Chaplin but also the more serious ones. It’s a style that is fun, you immediately feel different wearing such a suit and such a hat, with a walking stick and gaiters…that gives you a nice feeling and we wanted to make something that’s really different from Lord of the Lost and Oomph!



Q: Who sews your concert outfits?

A: Ah, we’re talking about Lord of the Lost now. Well, me. I make them. Sewing machine, fabric, … done. Hobby.



Q: If you sell a song, in which way do you give it out? Do you send a demo?

A: Ah, you mean, when I write a song for someone else? Yes, exactly. I record a demo. Totally different, sometimes it’s a full production, with a full layout of all instruments, beats, bass lines, melodic and harmonic instruments, vocals and lyrics, so a full demo like a complete production only a little worse, everything is played “raw”, partly it’s really uncouth, just a handful of piano chords along with vocals; it depends, but can differ a lot.



Q: Did you teach yourself how to sew?

A:  No, I attended a Waldorf school, there you learn how to sew at school.



Q: To whom did you sell which songs?

A: Let me explain something. You don’t “sell songs” in this sense… at least I don’t do that. You write a song, (speaking of when I write a song for an other artist) and  the way the song sells then, like on CD, downloads, streaming… and in the end I as the author of said song or maybe as a part of the authors of the song get a so-called GEMA royalty. Most of the songs are not written by me alone but in a team with others. For whom I have written songs? Many many many artists. One of the first ones to come to my mind there is for example Joachim Witt, as I just finished producing his last album.



Q: Which Oomph! song do you like?

A: I like plenty of Oomph! songs, I have been a huge fan of theirs for a long time before I started working with Dero *laughing*. Since then I’m not a fan of theirs anymore. Of course, that was a joke, only my sentence sounded like that. I need to check that on my phone. From their last album “Europa” one of my favourite songs was a bonus track. I think, it was the last bonus track. Of course it’s not loading here now! Oomph… Europa…album.. fuck… sorry, I can’t find it right now. My favourite track on the new Oomph album is one of the bonus tracks.



Q: How did the idea of “Die Kreatur” come about? Also as acoustic… (doesn’t finish reading the question out loud)

A: To explain that one thing: it is not really “acoustic” but it is in the style of the 1920s, which sounds like a pianola, like a saloon piano, the kind you know from western films, which is played with some kind of paper roll with holes in it… what’s that called again, these things, that you turn like that? Music box. Accompanied by vocals from Dero and me which sounds very very tinny and scratchy, like it played by a gramophone.



Q: Did you mean “In der Stille der Nacht”?

A: Oh yes, that was it! “In der Stille der Nacht“ Thank you! My favourite Oomph! song from their last album and I think also generally is “In der Stille der Nacht”. Although of course… their super hit “Augen auf!” got me in touch with their music back then, I was like, “Wow cool, now what’s that?” I saw it on MTV – this of course also always will be a favourite track.



Q: Do you watch horror movies?

A: Sometimes I do. I’m generally not THAT interested in horror movies, horror – yes and no, fantasy – that’s more likely, Science fiction -yes please.



Q: Do you like Star Wars?

A: Yes, I love Star Wars. And I am one of those people who like Jar Jar Binks. I don’t understand why people always talk shit about him. I generally don’t understand why people talk shit, like “it’s not like it used to be, the continuity within the films and blah-blah. I’m a simple man there, when it comes to entertainment. When I watch a movie, that gives me a good mood, with a story, that entertains me, if it looks great and it’s produced well, I’m totally happy with it. There’s no need to always bitch and be a pseudo-expert in movie making and moan about mistakes in continuity and context. To those who always bitch around: Go make your own damn Star Wars movies then! I’m happy with the ones that exist.



Q: Do you like operas?

A: Same as with musicals. There are some operas that I like a lot, there are some that I don’t like at all, some that I’m not at all interested in, some operas are just horribly boring, because they are way too long. As much as I love Wagner, as much I find the Nibelung legend as an opera totally boring. Each word that is necessary for the communication has to be sung, so that it is an opera.  In terms of composition, this does not always give a good result. Imagine I’d have to sing this whole livestream here. Then certainly not every melody that I would think up while singing would be a number 1 hit. That’s the reason why I often don’t like operas that much. Sometimes there is simply too much singing there.



Q: Marvel and DC?

A: Yes, I like them a lot.



Q: You don’t know that we love you? Definitely. I still love you and you are missed in the “Darkflower” (A club in Leipzig, where Chris used to have DJ sets).

A: Yes, I’ll be back in the “Darkflower” when DJ Nico will be there again, I promised him that I will not be there as a DJ without DJ Nico.



Q: I have watched the documentary about the senior choir. How did you get that idea?

A: I did not get that idea. The authors of the production company who produced that documentary had that idea. They asked us, if we wanted to be a part of it.



Q: Did you already listen to the new song from Ville Valo?

A: No I didn’t.



Q: How did the cooperation with Heaven Shall Burn come about?

A: I have known Alex Dietz from Heaven Shall Burn for many years, he has been a part of our studio team in the Chameleon Studios in Hamburg for a long time. We have produced a lot of things together, among which was also the Lord of the Lost EP “Full Metal Whore”, he was the Co-producer there. That’s how we know and appreciate each other; and when Heaven Shall Burn needed a singer with  a warm, low voice for the clear singing in that one song “Sorrows of Victory”, I was their first choice and so Alex contacted me, asked me, “On a Heaven Shall Burn album, would you…” -and before he even was able to finish his sentence, I already shouted out “YES” … and then I did it.



Q: Do you do sports or are you interested in sports?

A: Yes I do. At best I do it five times a week. 30 minutes of rope jumping per day, I work with weights, things I can do from home. If there’s no Corona crisis going on, I go to the gym. I do boxing, I do other kinds of martial arts, so, yes, I do a lot of sports. Almost every day at best.



Q: Did your son ever say, “Dad, this song is stupid”, or “Dad, this one is great!” ?

A: Yes of course. He is a human with his own taste and he exactly knows what he wants and there’s songs of mine that he finds totally stupid and other ones that he finds fantastic and he always tells me that. He’s probably my most honest and hardest critic.



Q: For how long have you been playing the cello?

A: For 35 years.



Q: Besides at the “Darkflower”, is there an option to see you again in Leipzig?

A: Yes, if we play a concert there at some point. As a private individual I don’t go to Leipzig. I don’t have a reason to do so.



Q: What’s your favourite “Ghost” album?

A: That keeps changing, I think my favourite Ghost album is the recent one and my favourite song from that album is “Life Eternal” I think.



Q: Do you also watch series like “Supernatural” or rather older series?

A: I don’t know “Supernatural”, so I cannot say if I watch series similar to that. I don’t even know what genre it is. I do not only watch older series, I watch everything that makes me happy.



Q: Do you know the album “Ungleich” by Maerzfeld?

A: No, I don’t. I have never heard a song by Maerzfeld.



Q: Do you  have more songs for “Die Kreatur” to be able to play live longer?

A: No, we just have that one song, but play that one twelve times in a row. Yes of course we have, go to the website of “Die Kreatur”, look at all the photos there, there you’ll see that we release an album on May 22nd, and  on this album there are many many songs.



Q: Did friendships with the seniors from the documentary emerge?

A: I wouldn’t call it “friendships”, I think, with people at that age you have to spend many years with them to be considered a friend, but  I know how you mean it, so… yes. I want to answer that question with “yes.”



Q: What is your weirdest habit?

A: I think you need to ask others about that. You don’t experience the things you do as “weird” yourself. If you did, you wouldn’t do them. Therefore, I don’t know that.



Q Are you planning to do a Lord of the Lost show during quarantine?

A: You mean an indoors concert? I need to take a note. A concert is not planned yet, maybe we do that , but we have planned something different. Actually I am waiting for something that should be finished by now. After this live thingie here I need to ask about it. If one of my band colleagues is watching now, what is it with our idea now, which of you has the song in his hands now? Go finish it!



Q: Can you imagine to take a video for Lord of the Lost that includes a lady in a wheelchair?

A: Yes of course I can imagine that, if the context fits. To just take a video with a lady in a wheelchair without a context would be pointless. Like for example if we take a video on a mountain as we did for “Ruins”, and then out of the blue a lady in a wheelchair shows up – that would be pointless. Either it is an important message or the idea of integration needs to be transported in the best possible normal way, because I find it really bad, if people in wheelchairs, who have it hard enough anyway, are brought to the foreground in such a negative way, kind of like saying, “Now look at them! Don’t you see, this person is in a wheelchair!” That’s why I find it important, that one either treats the subject as such in a respectful manner, or in e.g. a group scene, where you can see, for example, 100 fans of ours that you also involve wheelchair users there and not exclude them. This is a thing that you have to be sensitive to because exclusion sometimes happens because you deliberately focus things in a wrong and therefore disrespectful way. At least that's how I feel about it. But yes, in principle that is of course not excluded.



Q: Did you already sew yourself mouth and nose protection masks?

A: No, I did not.



Q: Do you use special hair care products? What brands do you prefer?

A: Yes, I use those hair oils, those spray-rinsing thingies, Gliss Kur or what they’re called, those work really really well.



Q: When do you get up in the morning?

A: At the moment I get up late. At the moment schools are closed in Germany, which means, I sleep in, which means 8am for me, 9am the latest. Usually when there’s school in Germany, I get up early enough to be able to take my son to school, prepare his breakfast, and at best I even do sports beforehand, so at about 5:30am.



- Actually the dream of every mother-in-law. Additionally to it the sound that your slippers make as you walk.

 Hah yes, I have really nice slippers at home, totally daft actually, because I  have floor heating everywhere here, because for me it needs to be 3-5 degrees warmer than it is in a normal household, because I hate the cold, everybody hates me because in my home they feel like they need to get naked because it is that warm everywhere… and still I wear slippers.



Q: In a TV of the Lost episode you read aloud a story about Gared as a unicorn. Which story did you read over and over again as a child or was read to you over and over?

A: Strange, I can’t remember that now. Because of my own child I’m currently so occupied in the stories that we read together now that I really forgot what I was read to as a child. I really cannot tell you that, I don’t know. And I’m also very distracted now by so many other things that stick in my head at the moment.



Q: How excited were you when you played “Dying On The Moon” at the Anniversary show in Hamburg?

A: Pretty excited. It always feels strange to perform a new song live for the first time.



Q: Would you be able to say something in Hungarian?

A: Ah fuck, yes. We have just been to Hungary… "Köszönöm!" I think, that’s Hungarian for “Thank you”.



Q: Any tips concerning the care for undercut?

A: It needs care? Sorry. I don’t know about that. If it needs care, maybe you can give me any tips there.



Q: When you’re on tour with “Die Kreatur”, will the band be dressed in the style of the 1920s as well?

A: I don’t know myself yet, if we will be dressed like that, so I think, Dero and me will wear suits, I’m not sure if I want to play a whole show wearing a top hat, that feels weird, you cannot move properly, maybe I  will wear it for the first song only and then take it off. We will dress the others or rather ask them do get dressed in a way that fits well to our outfits and doesn’t look completely different, maybe also in suits somehow, but it will not be like a carnival event where we costume the band.



Q: Do you remember the first show you played with Lord of the Lost?

A: Yes of course I remember that. Very well. It was in 2009, in the “Zeppelin” in Schwerin, in front of about 50 people.



Q: Which shampoo brand do you use?

A: The one that I find in the shower. Usually it’s not me who buys it, so … no idea. The one that is there.



Q: Can you freeze bread?

A: Yes, you can. My father freezes everything. He always buys bread and then freezes it, so it stays fresh for a long time. So my father is a pro in freezing bread and apparently you really can freeze bread. You can freeze everything, I think, to be honest, except for things that just don’t freeze at these temperatures, like e.g. liquid gas.



Q: Xbox4 or PS4?

A: Playstation. Always Playstation. 1 - 2 -3 - 4.



Q: Date Live Album?

A: What kind of question is this? That’s not even a sentence, “Date Live Album”! Please ask a question, so I can understand what you want to know. Sorry if this sounds arrogant, but I take the time to sit here for two hours, so you should take the time and ask your question in a proper way.



Q: The first rock song that touched you?

A: Define rock song…I think, one of the first real rock bands that I listened to were Guns’n’Roses, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, and I was touched very deeply back then by the song and the video of “November Rain”, when it was shown on Heavy Rotation on MTV, could be it was this one. Or maybe also “Civil War”, which also was shown on Heavy Rotation on MTV. My favourite Lord of the Lost song… I don’t have one. That’s difficult. It’s like you were asked to pick your favourite child. That doesn’t work.



Q: Do you have pets?

A: No. My son has pets. And he lives here. So, technically I have pets, but …no.



Q Your favourite Lady Gaga song?

A: I cannot tell that either. I’m not the kind of person to think in “favourite” categories.



Q: Does the Reeperbahn feel creepy at the moment, as it’s locked down?

A: Not more creepy than usual.



Q: With which artist would you absolutely like to work?

A: I’d absolutely love to do a Duet with e.g. Morten Harket from A-ha, with Chris Corner from IAMX, of course with Lady Gaga, I’d love to sing with Steven Tyler, these are all….wishes.



Q: I bet you like cooking!

A: You extremely lost this bet. I hate cooking. But I love having someone cooking for me.



Q: Do you like reading?

A: Yes, but I don’t like reading novels. I like to read factual books, to inform myself. Whether it is a lexicon, philosophy, biology, natural science… these things I consider very interesting. But I don’t read novels and stories, cause it takes me too long. If I’m in it for a nice story, I will watch it. I like to watch movies. To me books are a “information providers”, not entertainment media. If I sit down with a book to get entertained, I keep thinking “Damn, this takes so long, in that time I could learn something important instead”, that’s why I prefer to watch a movie, as these are over after one and a half hours.



The guy apparently hasn’t been “auf dem Kiez” (meaning: at the Reeperbahn) in daytime yet.

A: Wrong, I am never there in nighttime. I live in St. Pauli, but I don’t go out in the evening. I don’t go to bars, I don’t go to clubs, I don’t like it. I stay at home. The only time I get there is when I go shopping.



Q: What about the setlist?  How will it be supplemented in addition to the 13 songs?

A: Good question. Dero’s and my plan is to add two more songs, which will be “Europa” from Oomph! and “Abracadabra” from Lord of the Lost, as it’s both songs according to the same pattern as “Die Kreatur” songs, so it will be 15 Songs in total, that’s quite nice for a show already. Maybe we’ll do a little drum solo also and thus you get a useful concert length.



Q: Have you listened to the Blutengel song “Wir Sind Unsterblich” yet? If yes, what do you think about it?

A: No, I didn’t listen to it, I only noticed via Chris that they took a video, but no, I didn’t listen to it.



Q: Do you have a tattoo from Dr. Mark Benecke?

A: Yes I have. But… did he do it himself? No, it was his wife. But we both have a small, ugly blue dolphin tattoo which has a funny story to it. Nevermind.



Q:  Did you recently watch a good movie?

A: A good movie. Yes. Many. Right now my head is empty. Fuck, sorry. I just can’t … I’m just thinking about so many questions at the same time, that I don’t …



Q: Do you protect your hearing on stage?

A: Yes, we do automatically. On stage to even just hear ourselves we use these in-ear buds, similar to the ones you use, only a bit better and more professional. What many people don’t know is that during a concert the stage is often the most silent place, except if you stand right next to the drumset maybe. It’s much louder in the audience, where you are, because the speakers are directed towards you, not towards us. To enable us to hear something on stage, we have the so-called “monitor speakers”, which are speakers from which you hear what you want to hear yourself, which is different with each musician. The bass player for example wants to hear something different than the vocalist. The nicer thing though is a so-called “in-ear-monitoring”, these are completely sealed, so they also protect you from the noise outside. But as I said… on stage it is not as loud as it is in the audience.



Q: Will there also be girlie shirts from “Die Kreatur”?

A: The motives that will be available in the Napalm Record store will not be available as girlie shirts as far as I know. These are not our own shirts, though, the two motives which are sold by the Napalm shop. Currently Dero and me are working on our own merch, which we will  be selling from our own “Die Kreatur” merch website soon. And there we will of course have also girlie shirts.



Q: What did you make crazy in your life? (not translator’s mistake, the question was asked this way – and answered like that!)

A: I think, in my life I made many women go crazy. Unintentionally.



Q: What was the most impressive location that you ever performed at and why?

A: Hard to tell, they are all so very different from one another. But what was very impressing was the performance in Leipzig in the “Gewandhaus”, back in 2013 the “Gothic meets Classic”,  with the orchestra, because that location looks so incredibly blatant and big.



Q: What do you think of the singer “Epica”?

A: I don’t think Epica is a singer, but a band with a female vocalist, whose name is not Epica, but I don’t really know that. I don’t know either what that singer looks like and I don’t know any of their songs. I only know it’s a band.



Q: When will the first video from Swan Songs III be released?

A: Mid May. I think.



Q: What do you think about Sabaton?

A: I listened to about half a song from them in a music video, and I found it horrible.



Q: Did you ever have a “normal” job?

A: I think, I have a normal job. I just put it that way here.



Q: Do you know Umbra et Imago and Crematory?

A: I know Crematory, also in person, like when we randomly meet at festivals, from these occasions I also know a song or two. From Umbra et Imago I don’t think I have ever heard a song knowingly and I have never met them. No.



Q: My child wants to know which Hogwarts House you are?

A: None. I’m no Hogwarts House. No, I’m not. Let me think…. I am Hogwarts. I am all houses.



Q: Will you at some point play in the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg?

A: I doubt that. That place and all the concert hall that go with it keep rejecting us, I have to admit they do it in a pretty arrogant way, our booking agency has had very unpleasant experiences with them. For them we seem to be second-class music, that’s why we are also not allowed to play in the Laeiszhalle, where I’d really like to perform. There’s the same committee as in the Elbphilharmonie, and they apparently consider Lord of the Lost to not be culturally ambitious enough to let us play there.



Q: Is another project with Tilo Wolff planned?

A: So far not, no. However I have spoken with Tilo Wolff about a possible Mexico tour with Lacrimosa and Lord of the Lost. I’d like to do that and I hope we can make it happen one day in the future. 



Q: Do you like Lord Byron?

A: I don’t know him.



Q: You read music notes in colours? What does that mean?

A: No, I don’t read music notes in colours but I’m a synesthete, I see colours when I hear sounds and harmonies.



Q: Best tattoo artist?

A: Is that a question? I don’t know, I can’t tell. I don’t think it’s measurable, who is the best tattoo artist.



Q: Cheesecake … plain, with raisins or with fruits?

A: With fruit! Damn, such a grammar mistake in the very last seconds! Plain for me, please. 



Translation: Margit Güttersberger