Lord Of The Sport  #2 - Chris & Pi  (7 - 5 -2020)


 (NOTE: Below we have included ONLY the German parts of the livestream, NOT the English ones.)





Chris: It’s shitty back here.

Pi: What? Shat on?

Chris: It’s somehow uncomfortable here.

Pi: (fucking up) this doesn’t count yet.

Chris: You’re saying, this doesn’t count as fucked up yet?

Pi: Exactly.

Chris: From when on does it count as fucked up?

Pi: Just now.

Chris: Boo!

Pi: Now.

Chris: Boo! What I wanted to tell you, I recently met Bengt in the DarkRoom.

Pi: Yes. But you wore a mask, right?

Chris: That was cool. With 2 meters distance, everybody wearing masks…

Pi: There you need to have a long one.

Chris: Yes.

Pi: Yes.  And why have you been there?

Chris: No idea, why have YOU been there? I heard your voice.

Pi: You don’t even know, if I was there.

Chris: That’s why it was so cool!

Pi: Now! I can’t go on any longer.



Chris: Do you see the water today?

Pi: I see the water, yes.

Chris: I mean the current tide. Is there a word for “tides” in singular?

Pi: The tide.

Chris: Look, it is really almost horizontal.

Pi: Dude! The fish have a strong need to urinate again.

Chris: Does it work here better here in the front?

Pi: It’s better here.

Chris: It’s not that inclined here.

Pi: Indeed,  it’s better here.

Chris: You’re almost out of sight.

Pi: Yes. Tide-tides. But actually tides always come in twos. There IS not just one.

Chris: Flow and ebb.

Pi: Fl-ebb.  

Chris: Here there’s always flow and ebb.

Pi: There are some other examples as well… like, is there a counterpart to “distance”?  - dance? (word play, as in German “dance” is “Tanz”, which sounds like a part of “Distanz”) … dis-tance and?

Chris: eh – to distance? - tight dance.

Pi: So this is distance – and if I did …that’s tight dance.

Chris: Exactly.

Pi: I see.

Chris: And then there’s standard dance, that’s somehow in between.

Pi: Ah yes, and there’s also Latin American Dance.

Chris: Doesn’t that count as standard too?

Pi: No, it’s everything but standard.

Chris: I think our faces are not visible, we need to do it like this *keeps skipping while bowing downwards*

Pi: I’m trying this here.

Chris: You look stupid. Put that a bit higher maybe.

Pi: Yes.

Chris: There! Now you can see us.

Pi: Much better. It’s allowed to stop for a little, by the way.

Chris: Right. Sometimes it helps to do this for 5 seconds, okay, focus… and on it goes. 

Pi: It is like getting sleep in life.

Chris: Maybe someone from the Guiness book of World Records will say, “No, that doesn’t count!” – But that’s the LOTL book of records here.

Pi: That Guiness book of World Records has only been invented… that’s a strange guy, that Peter Guiness. Getting from a book to a beer. Totally weird. That he says, he is the one to measure things – and that he is right then.

Chris: They named the drink after the book, right?

Pi: Yes. The book pages...

Chris: Never judge a book by its Guiness.

Pi: That’s a saying, yes.

Chris: Yes.

Pi: Never cover a book with a judge.

Chris: We want to already...

Pi: *laughs out loud* what is it with you?

Chris: That saying.. never cover a book…. Never cover a book.

Pi: You lick in foreigners (word game again… you speak in foreign tongues… Pi twisted it to this)

Chris: Hey people out there, we have been skipping for five minutes by now, so we have managed 7% already.

Pi: We’re doing well. You’re doing well as well.

Chris: We would like to reveal something about the next album.

Pi:  Yes... Wait, would we?

Chris: Yes. Not Swan Songs, but the next real album. In the next album, there will not be real songs.

Pi: Don’t expect something real.

Chris: We only imagine the songs for the next album.

Pi: Yes. We only create them.

Chris: They are only created. They won’t be real songs.

Pi: Never again will we make real songs.

Chris: Nope.

Pi: We just imagine them.

Chris: As well as in Swan Songs. That’s not real songs either, it’s all just from the computer.

Pi: The biggest part of it at least.

Chris: One is real.

Pi: One is real.

Chris: 4:33

Pi: That one is real.

Chris: Is it exhausting today for you too?

Pi: It is. But we did yesterday too… did we do rope skipping yesterday? Yes.

Chris: Yes. In the morning.

Pi: So…

Chris: 31 hours ago.

Pi: I didn’t remember that, it felt so long ago.

Chris: It has been a long time since we last met.

Pi: Yes. Really long.

Chris: I really hurt.

Pi: Because of this almost daily roping we get to see each other much more often than usual.

Chris: I see you.

Pi: I see you too.

Chris: I need to watch Avatar again.

Pi: I already did.

Chris: Attention, guys, we now read the names of the ships that are passing by to you: This is the “Harburg”.

Pi: From the “Deutscher Ring”…

Chris: …sponsored by the “Deutscher Ring”. Driven by my friend Dietmar, he’s the captain, he has the boat licence class A, B and 3.

Pi: He has a big barge.

Chris: He is only flying big vessels. Only the big ones. A good friend of mine.

Pi: The nice thing about talking that much shit, is that the time is really flying then.

Chris: Apparently I don’t talk that much shit, as for me the time is going really slow.

Pi: Ok, so if one would talk that much shit.

Chris: At any rate I’m so warm already that I can soon take my hat off.

Pi: Me too. Put off something. But I won’t reveal, what exactly.

Chris: At every jump you put off something. In every section. Let’s try that. Strip-roping.

Pi: You think that’s possible?

Chris: Stroping.

Pi: Stroping.

Chris: If you do it really fast, it is a “Strop-o-scope”.

Pi: Stropocop.



Chris: But now time is really going fast. That’s shitty.

Pi: Synchronized messing up…

Chris: Synchronized messing up. Definitely you guys out there can be sure… let’s do it in English.



Chris: Basler insurance. We get you more secure.

Pi: Even more secure.

Chris: Your safe haven/harbour … word play…. LOL. It’s written on the ship, look!

Pi: Really?

Chris: So that was the second ship. We’ll be counting ships today. Here in Hamburg we don’t do trainspotting, but shipspotting.

Pi: Oh, you fucked up. It’s definitely harder now with the weights.



Chris: So people out there, if you are that guy from “one man one jar”, write it in the comments field.

Pi: Or, Gerrit, you simply answer.

Chris: Just answer yourself.

Pi: Call again.



Chris: Is there someone smoking pot here?

Pi: Yes.

Chris: It totally smells like pot here.

Pi: Someone’s smoking a techno joint.

Chris: Is that the word? “Techno-joint”?

Pi: A techno joint … that’s those steam cigarettes.

Chris: Ah, so these are called techno joints.



Chris: Agent 00… with the license to flirt..



Chris: Look, there’s the seagull king again! (another word play… in German “lion king” is “König der Löwen” and Chris here said “König der Möwen” (=Seagull king )



Pi: What are they saying? La Bomba playing in the background.

Chris: Yeah sure, we’ll ask the next Samba-Band that comes passing by to play La Bomba.

Pi: Play La Bomba!



Chris: I urgently need to re-watch Austin Powers. All episodes.

Pi: The scene, where he tries to turn around that vehicle.

Chris: Oh yes, that thing just is stuck.

Pi: That was the best.

Chris: They probably needed a crane to get it in there.



Chris: Little Elbi. There’s Nala, heading right towards us.

Pi: Oh yes.



Chris: Nicely peep into the asshole for kilometers.

Pi: Did someone poop in your ass today yet?

Chris: Nobody did. People, I admit it. Nobody has pooped in our asses today.

Pi: I didn’t tell you about it yet. But no, nobody did today yet.



Pi: *reading* you should do a PodCast about tour memories. That would be very interesting.  – We’re doing some more PodCasts, so…

Chris: We can do that. We can actually continue the game we just played in a PodCast… unexpectedly.



Chris: *reading*: What’s written on the bottle? – “I go living – do you come along?”


 Chris: Just always stay cool!



Translation: Margit Güttersberger

Proofreading: Meike Ernst