Ep. 53 - SPECIAL: Fragestunde #2



Chris: Well, all you people out there, heartily welcome at Q&A number 2 at TV of the Lost, episode whatever, you asked us plenty of things on Facebook, we’re going to pick some of those questions and answer them. Please don’t be mad, that we don’t do all of them, as there’s way too many.   



Q: When can we see you play live again?

(Gared): I need to take out my calendar …it says, “check Lordofthelost.de” …or Facebook ..or MyShit.   



Q: Do you have any “rituals” or something similar before the shows and if yes, which ones?

(Gared): I’ll answer that question immediately: Wild anal sex.   



Q: Why does the woman in the “Beyond Beautiful” video get killed? Is the whole sex scene just fiction and pure fantasy?

(Chris): Fiction AND fantasy? That’s a lot at one time! But I like that approach “was it all just fiction and fantasy” … maybe this helps those a little bit, who possibly got the idea, Lord of the Lost are a band who thinks it is ok to kill your wife. It maybe also answers a few other questions, like if we are glorifying violence. No need to say yes or no there, it should be clear anyway.

(Bo): For those to whom it is not clear: NO!

(Class): No pussy was harmed in the making of the video.   



Q: Music is…? And what would life be for you without music?

(Disco): I think, music is communication and many other things besides that. It doesn’t just transport what you’re trying to express. It means something different to/for everyone…

(Bo): We just want to earn money and get the chicks!

(Chris): I liked what Disco said…really nice.   



Q: Who is the biggest bitch in the band and who is the biggest diva?

(Bo): Class! He’s both.

(Gared): Sometimes Chris is a little diva, too!

(Chris): Wait what, a LITTLE one?! Did you say “a little diva?!”

(Gared): Have a sip…whenever you get thirsty, you turn into a diva!   



Q: What guitars does Bo use?

(Bo): cyanguitars.de. Have fun, spend money!

(Chris): They also build guitars for “Die Ärzte”!   



Q: How many copies of your new EP are around now and why is it not as usual numbered consecutively?

(Bo): Because.

(Chris): As usual? Hmm maybe you refer to the initial idea of limiting it. Yes, we wanted it to be limited in the first place, but we never planned on numbering it consecutively. This would be an effort that we cannot do in our size. It would have to be done manually which is too expensive. We can’t afford that. We would have to sell it more expensively. We decided to make it available to a wider audience, because we are on tour with Eisbrecher and we want people to be able to listen to our music, also to our newer music. As we did not expect to sell more than 1,000 copies, it was “limited”. Now those 1,000 copies have been sold for a long time already, and we’re not really unhappy about it. So please don’t be mad that you don’t have a real “limited edition”.   



Q: Which band would you like to go on tour with? I’d say, each of you names one!

(Class): Rammstein!

(Gared): Thanks, I wanted to say that, you jerk!

(Chris): Me too!

(Gared) : Ok, unanimously, Rammstein!

(Bo): No, 30 seconds to Mars.

(Others): Yeah, they’re good as well.

(Bo): Metallica…but probably their audience would shoot us.

(Chris): Yeah.   



Q: Don’t you plan to make some instrumental tracks?

(Chris): Yes, we plan it. We make “instrumental Dreck” (instrumental “dirt”, sounds similar to “track”)   



Q: After performing “Eure Siege” has your opinion about singing in German changed somehow? (Chris): My opinion about singing in German has somehow changed because I noticed that I like to sing in German from time to time and I am thinking about making some things that I can sing either in German or in English or maybe find a platform where I can sing German from time to time. We’ll see.   


Q: Is Disco meanwhile house trained?

(Class): Not completely.

(Disco): Chrystal Harms still cleans up after me from time to time...

(Bo) …With her tongue.

(Disco): But meanwhile I’m trained so well that if I get enough treats, I manage to raise the disciple to make it to the potty in time.   



Q: What was the name of the song that you wrote together with Alex from Eisbrecher that you only performed in Berlin and how did that come in the first place?

(Chris): Not only in Berlin, we play that on the whole Eisbrecher tour. The song is named “Eure Siege”, in English “Your Victories”. This song will be on our next album in the English version and maybe as special edition or bonus track in German, we don’t really know yet. How did it come? Alex and I wrote some songs in the studio a few months ago …that’s something you can do. Let’s see, what comes off it.   



Q: If you could be an other musician for one day, who would you want to be and why?

(Bo): James Fucking Hetfield. Because.

(Disco): I’d want to be Bo Six.

(Chris): I wouldn’t want that. I’m pretty happy with who I am.

(Bo): Still… For one day I’d want to be James Hetfield. I’m sure that’s cool. I’d be crazy for my voice.   


Q: Will we be able to hear more songs from the upcoming album besides “Black Lolita” and “Live Today” during the shows after the tour with Eisbrecher?

(Chris): We are already playing more songs from the upcoming album than just these two. We play 20 seconds of “Live Today”, no idea, if we will ever play the whole thing live. We play “Black Lolita”, we play “Heart for Sale”, we play “Eure Siege” and  “Your Victories” . So: YES.   



Q: How tall is Class in centimeters?

(Chris): 156 cm  – wearing high heels.

(Disco): Class is a bogus giant. The further away he is, the taller he appears. The closer he gets, the shorter he becomes.

(Bo): How tall are you really then?

(Class): 175 cm!   



Q: Where do you get the energy from to take your time and always answer the same questions after an exhausting show?

(Everyone showing their Schnitzels): Schnitzel power!

(Chris): You’re coming to see us, we are very happy about that, so we’re coming to meet you!

(Bo in Russian accent): Without you we’re nothing! Thank you!   



Q:How much time do you normally spend to produce an album?

(Chris): We do that differently. We write an album, then go to the studio at some point from maybe early April till Mid May and then finish it all but we start a very long time beforehand, it goes on for many months to like one and a half years, until it is finished at some point, and within that time the work on the next album is already started – so it overlaps a lot. So right now we are finishing the production of the 3rd album, we are writing songs for the 4th one and so on. So in total one can say it has so far always taken us about one and a half years from the songwriting till an album is completely finished.  



Q: How do you feel about groupies?

(Disco): I’d say horizontal!   



Q: Did you learn to play your instruments self-taught or did you have lessons?

(Chris): Both. All of us play several instruments, of which for some we had lessons and others are self-taught.   



Q: How do you imagine your perfect partner?

(Chris): How do I do that? I’m lying in my bed, under my blanket, naked, with my hands …folded on top of the blanket -and then I imagine my perfect partner!   



Q: If you had the chance to do the same thing as Unheilig (meaning: guest appearances in various TV Shows / Soap Operas) – would you take it ?  (Side Note: Unheilig is a German band, pretty popular by that time.)

(Chris): I think, this question can not be answered with a simple yes or no. It depends on how you use that kind of media. The examples given are very different from one another. But soap opera: no.   



Q: What’s your key to success?

(Bo): Working hard. 



Q: Will there ever be a DVD with your music videos at some point or will there be other options to get them?

(Chris): Yes. I don’t know, when, but: yes.   



Q: Is anyone of you a father?

(Everyone): All of us. Knowingly and not knowingly. Of at least 5000. With and without paying for it. (Gared): The reason why we are not able to make a living from our music yet is that we pay thousands of Euros in alimony every month.   



Q: Can you imagine to live without music? If yes…how?

(Bo): No.

(Chris): No. How should that ever work?

(Class): It wouldn’t make any sense anyway.

(Chris): Life without music is possible, but meaningless (useless/senseless).



(Bo): Well, children. That was it for today, I hope ..

(Disco): Shut up. You’re drunk!

(Gared): I’d say, we go to sauna now.

(Bo): Yes, we’re going to the sauna and have fun there. Bye! 




Translation: Margit Güttersberger

Proofreading: Leslie Ann