Ep. 335 - Eye to Eye with Scarlet Dorn


Chris: Welcome. I've been waiting for Scarlet Dorn for half an hour already.
Scarlet off camera: That's such a lie.
Chris: I've been waiting for Scarlet Dorn for half an hour.
Scarlet: Lie.
Chris: I've been waiting for Scarlet Dorn for half an hour.
Scarlet: LIE!
Chris: Because: Eye to eye interview!


Camera man: Can you move a bit closer?
Chris: Can I offer you a glass of milk?
Scarlet: No.
Chris: Why not? Don't you like milk? This is my first question to you. Do you like low-fat? Or rather not low-fat? (but because he’s looking at his arms, it could also be interpreted as: Do you like fat arms? Or rather no fat arms?)

Chris: Okay, in any case I referred to facts, fan facts questions I received. I filtered out questions about you. And the main question really was if you like milk, and if yes, why, and if no, why not.
Scarlet: Who wants to know that?
Chris: Everyone. Well, I got multiple questions from facebook, also from Mark Zuckerdick, and he also said he would like to know if Scarlet Dorn likes milk. That was my question.
Scarlet: Yeah.
Chris: And now, what do we do now? No you totally don't know what to ask me, cause we already told each other everything.
Scarlet: That's the problem yeah.

Chris: Did you know...that...on the Russian facebook page VK, in many comments people are wildly discussing what kind of personal relationship we have.? There's everything from long time affair, to "there might have been a one-night-stand", to relationship and "maybe Chris is divorced and married to you", your father, father AND boyfriend…
Scarlet: And brother?
Chris: No, not the last two. But did you look at some of the comments?
Scarlet: Yeah.
Chris: Yeah?
Scarlet: Yeah..
Chris: It's cool isn't it?
Scarlet: It might have been a mistake. I made an account in the middle of the night and looked at it before going to sleep. It was a mistake.
Chris: Did you take Russian lessons in school? Or where do you know Russian from?
Scarlet: (mock laugh) Uh, no...yes!
Chris: Yes?
Scarlet: First to third class I had Russian lessons.
Chris: Cool. I had Russian lessons from second grade onwards.
Scarlet: Seriously? Second grade?
Chris: Waldorf School.
Scarlet: Were you able to choose, or..?
Chris: No, English and Russian.
Scarlet: That was standard?
Chris: Yeah.
Scarlet: In the east?
Chris: No, west. Dortmund.
Scarlet: Wow.
Chris: I was at the Waldorf school in Dortmund. And there it was standard for all students to have Russian and English. Then I moved to Hamburg, and there it was standard for all Students to have French and English. But some Russian stayed with me anyway. In terms of.."frong understanding".
Scarlet: In terms of understanding.

Chris: HELLO!...Wanker.
Scarlet: Look, that's from you. (Points at glittery part of her sleeve)
Chris: Why is that from me?
Scarlet: Cause it glitters. It can only be from you.
Chris: That's also kind of (to the camera man) look at this here… a proof for some form of too tight..errm..working relationship.


Chris: Are you nervous at the moment?
Scarlet: ...yeah.

Chris: Why?
Chris: How many concerts was it so far? 13, right? 14. If you had to plot a curve marking nervousness: was it completely different the first time, or was there...? (makes up and down motion)
Scarlet: Yeah the curve wasn't completely steep so that it wasn't there at all the second time, but...(makes slow downward movement) The problem was always that we had the breaks inbetween. And in these three-day breaks, it kind of built up again.
Chris: Okay.
Scarlet: So I was nervous during the first one, and then less in the second and third.
Chris: So it looks kinda like this: (makes a curve that goes down overall, with lots of local peaks). Cool. Like my life. Always shortly before the end it goes even deeper. Then I write a song and I feel better. Then it goes even further down. Then I write a song again.
Scarlet: One step forward, three back.
Chris: Yeah, that's also my motto in general: one step forward, three back. I do that.

Chris: Scarlet Dorn.
Scarlet: Yeah.
Chris: Did you ever research what your name means, why did your parents name you Scarlet, where does the last name Dorn come from, is it typical siberian, or...
Scarlet: Dorn is..Dorn is a very common last name in Russia.
Chris: Seriously? Without a joke? But not Dorno...Dornova..
Scarlet: No, Dorn. Dorn. There is a really big Russian Singer called Ivan Dorn.
Chris: But that's his stage name surely? Ivan Dorn?
Scarlet: No. His name is Dorn. Dorn is sort of jewish.
Chris: Is it good music?
Scarlet: It' sort of "duh ts ts duh ts ts duh!" That's typical.
Chris: Ivan and Scarlet Dorn. I think that's cool. But that's quite a coincidence.
Scarlet: Yeah bit after all it's not from him. It's cause my parents...chose it (laugh).
Chris: Yeah.
Scarlet: They called me Scarlet cause of the red hair streak, I think.
Chris: You were already born that way.
Scarlet: Exactly.
Chris: With a red streak. Does the lipstick get smeared at birth? Cause it is quite...(mimes head going through narrow birth canal) a lot of friction. Did you come out like that, or did you come out with a kiss-proof mouth?
Scarlet: I came out...(mimes smeared mouth).
Chris: That's really disgusting
(both laugh)
Scarlet: It won't come off. (Rubs her lips some more)
Chris: It really won't, will it? How does that work? I totally don't understand it. It only comes off with alcohol, right?
Camera man: Also while making out.
Chris: No, as we said it doesn't.
Scarlet: No.
Cameraman: I'd like to see that.
(Scarlet makes a beckoning motion)
Chris: No problem, Linus. We will afterwards put on lipstick. Wait a moment..(takes his cellphone out, talks into it) Hello Lord of the Lost Live Group. This is Chris. We're sitting in the Eye to Eye interview with Scarlet Dorn, and Linus...we're talking about kiss-proof lipstick. And Linus said he wanted proof that kiss-proof lipstick doesn't come off while making out. So, please, you're all witnesses here. Afterwards, Linus will put on kiss-proof lipstick, and we need someone to make out with him.
Scarlet: Yeeeah!
Chris: And then he'll see. Thank you!

(they wait as Linus presumably makes some gestures)
Chris: I'd like to. I'd totally like to.
(they laugh)

Chris: What's your favourite Disney movie?
Scarlet: (thinks) I think Aladdin.
Chris: Aladdin?
Scarlet: Or The Lionking.
Chris: Aladdin is great too.
Chris: What? We have to speak louder?
Linus: She has to speak a bit louder.
Chris: okay, Lionking, Ala..okay. And your favourite Pixar movie?
Scarlet: (thinks) I know I won't remember it now. After the fact spontaneously I would have said "Monsters Inc". I've had to watch that video with my siblings so often in the past.
Chris: Mm-hmm. What's your favourite Lord of the Lost song?
Scarlet: La Bomba.
Chris: La Bomba? I would have figured it's something really balladesque and sad.
Scarlet: There are a lot I like just as much, but La Bomba is just the kind of song; there will never be anything like it again, and if, it will be like La Bomba. That's why.
Chris: That is in fact the problem when you once make such a song which sticks out that much, --in a completely non-judgemental way-- then you can only do it like that once. There is no possibility to do something similar again.
Scarlet: Yeah but others can't either. That's the cool thing.
Chris: Yeah but still it's also the case that you yourself -- you'd always like to top yourself. I know that in that direction, you can't top it. You can do it again, but then it's like The Lionking 2. That's crappy too. You know what I noticed? I recently saw the Lionking 2. My son, for whatever reason, likes it better than Lionking 1. That extremely shocked me.
Scarlet: No one dies.
Chris: Yeah, someone dies. The brother of the...son of Scar...dies. But who cares. Anyway, there's this one scene, where...it's kind of "Romeo and Juliet"-like, isn't it. Two types of...classes...the good guys and the bad guys, and the two fall in love with each other. And then they sing at some point --I heard it in German-- "We are strong, we are proud, we are one" and stuff. (Scarlet laughs) I thought....WHAT?
Scarlet: STOLEN!
Chris: I switched to English, and they say: "We are proud”, “we are strong”, “we are one." Only “shout it out loud” is not in it. It's the lyrics of Fists Up In The Air. I..because I never saw it in English, without knowing it, or without being consciously aware of it or wanting it, wrote lines from Lionking 2..
Scarlet: Yeah but maybe that's not where it came from.
Chris: Maybe not. Well who cares. I mean you know yourself. We just had the discussion about where you had that melody from. She kept singing a really awesome song in the tourbus.
Scarlet: I wrote it. (points at herself)
Chris: This melody, and I thought: "It's that song." I couldn't think of which one it was. Finally we found it, and said: "Look, it already exists."
Scarlet: (mock-crying) No!
Chris: Shit. And I mean, maybe it really didn't come from there. I mean, "We are proud, we are strong, we are one", I mean it's also kind of obvious to rhyme "strong" and "one". I mean the song also says something similar. Except that the lions aren't yelling fists…that is, paw up in the air. But it really shocked me. I thought "Dude.."
Scarlet: Mm-hmm.
Chris: "...Fist Up In The Air, the Lionking 2 song." It was that way for a few songs for me. For one I don't want to tell it now, because upto now apparently no one noticed how similar they are. Also musically I so badly from a...
Scarlet: Is it on the Swan Songs?
Chris: No.
Scarlet: There are some...
Chris: Yes, I know what you mean, but not that close.
Scarlet: No, something else again. Not the one I told you about recently.
Chris: Something else yet again?
Scarlet: Yeah.


Chris: (rolls eyes) Well who cares. In any case, you always notice it again in later years: "Oh whoa, seriously..." a song you don't know at all, or which you heard on the radio as a kid. It's also getting more and more difficult. Especially in
pop music. That was, when the Beatles and so on started with stuff like that, when pop music cultivated itself, it was uncharted land. You could get there and stick the flag in. And now that's all full, and it's hard to find a gap where you can make new melodies. It's terrible. I'll stop making music now.
Scarlet: Well it's not that bad. I mean, the complete charts are made up of the same four triplets.
Chris: It's not bad. It just becomes bad in that moment when haters, who of course think everything is shit, come and say "Hahaha, look, you totally copied that" and you say (whiny voice) "But I don't even know the song. I'm sorry I copied something." That's exhausting, because unfortunately in today's society, facebook etc., all the haters have so much power to pull things through the mud. And that's just crap.
Scarlet: That's actually why I like Instagram so much. I think that's nowhere near as hostile as facebook often is.
Chris: Why is that?
Scarlet: I don't know.
Chris: Well I've...
Scarlet: I never experienced something bad...even for big artists. If you for example look underneath a facebook picture. There's a lot of hating around.
Chris: Yeah.
Scarlet: And you don't have that on instagram at all.
Chris: Well not that much. On Instagram we do have significantly fewer negative comments than on facebook.
Scarlet: Me neither. I don't know why.
Chris: Maybe it's cause on Instagram, you don't actually share opinions. I mean of course you can write an opinion next to the picture. But the focus is completely different. The focus is: I share a picture, and maybe write something about the picture, but it's not a status-sharing central like facebook where everything's like "Uhuh, everything's crap!"

Scarlet: Well I mean, let's get to your favourite subject. You're dieing your hair green now, right?
Chris: Yeah.
Scarlet: Then under facebook there will be a lot of broken hearts who don't love you anymore because you have green hair now, right?
Chris: Also not listen to the music anymore.
Scarlet: Yeah. And they can't hear the music anymore now cause you have green hair. If you do it on instagram, some will say "Oh pity. I kinda liked blonde better." But there won't be this "Ugh!"
Chris: It's a different mentality.
Scarlet: Yeah. But it's the same people. And what I can't understand: Actually on instagram they are much more anonymous than on facebook.
Chris: Yeah, that's true. Actually there you could hate around much more with the funny made-up names.
Scarlet: But they don't. It's a pretty perfect world.
Chris: Yeah...maybe it's because...does that have to do with lazyness? Cause I think instagram...I think you can open it on a computer somehow, but very few people do. It's always inbetween (takes cellphone), they look at it inbetween for fun. At home, they sit in their own four walls frustrated and sometimes sit in front of facebook for hours, and sort of barf everything out. Maybe it's sort of an issue of environment. I don't know. Might humans be friendlier when they're outside and on the road, even if they only stare at their smartphone all the time? It would be really interesting to analyze that. Can you actually comment on twitter?
Scarlet: Yeah.
Chris: Yeah, right? Or something similar.
Scarlet: Yeah you can.
Cameraman: Retweet, right? And write something in addition to it.
Scarlet: Retweet, and then write your opinion to it.
Cameraman: But I don't use twitter.
Scarlet: Unless you totally don't have to...
Chris: I haven't occupied myself with twitter much. Class always sort of does that. I'm terrible, I totally don't understand it. To be honest, snapchat I haven't used at all. Do you know how snapchat works?
Scarlet: No.



Chris: Of your songs --the ones that were played live. No one knows the ones that are on the album that were not played live. But the ones that were played live people know now. A few thousand people saw them this year. Do you have a favourite among those? If yes, why?
Scarlet: As a song, or live?
Chris: Live too. Just both. Maybe there will two different songs for each.
Scarlet: Live in any case Cinderella, I think.
Chris: Why?
Scarlet: I don't know. But I think also as a song. It's cool.
Chris: Why?
Scarlet: I don't know. It's the whole story, everything. I totally sets up the mood. It's a little faster..
Chris: I like that one too. I would have also said Cinderella or..
Scarlet: "I don't know I don't care" is equally fun.
Chris: In that one I like the C-part, when it mounts.
Scarlet: Yeah, the C-part is..

Chris: The C-part, for the non-musicians, is what comes after the second chorus.
Scarlet: It's what, for me, is always edited out when I send Chris a song.
(both laugh)
Scarlet: You always delete my C-parts.
Chris: Yeah, but you know why? Surely you know the..At least, some C-parts of yours sound like that: You have a verse, a chorus, and you always want to end the song. And you always feel like: You still need this part inbetween, between the chorus and the last chorus. And often your C-parts sound exactly like: "I was looking for my C-part".
Scarlet: No, I want it to sound different.
Chris: Yeah, really?
Scarlet: Sometimes I even do that on purpose.
Chris: Well some of them were really awesome. But sometimes it was the case that I thought: That sounded like you took a part from a different..
Scarlet: You are right. You can make something else out of it.
Chris: Exactly. And um, there is a golden rule for pop song writing: if you can't find a C-part, leave it away.
Scarlet: But..that's weird.
Chris: Yeah it's weird. You know what I totally love to do?
Scarlet: Guitar solos.
Chris: No
(they laugh)
Chris: Pay attention to..typical things that appear in my songs: Verse, then prechorus, then chorus, then verse, directly the chorus, and the C-part is the prechorus. Just a little bigger. That means, when the C-part shows up the people already know it, from the prechorus of the first chorus. Pay attention to how often I do that. Cause it feels totally great for me. It's not even about calculating and "Oh..." but it's about...it feels good. It feels great cause here comes a C-part that already feels at home, cause you already know it. And I like that a lot. It works. And then maybe I get down from the C-part and do a chorus or something. And I built that in into songs which we together wrote for you here and there. Let me think which ones those were…



Chris: Maybe...
Scarlet: Do you have a favourite? So you like Cinderella too, right?

Chris: Oh, yeah I think..
Scarlet: And from Lord of the Lost?
Chris: Well I think live...hmm...yeah Heavy Beauty kind of is for me.. it's got..I like Heavy Beauty so much, cause to me it expresses in its sum --that's why it became the lyric video-- in its sum everything that Scarlet Dorn is at the moment. It has the fast parts, the heavy parts, the half-time feeling..
Scarlet: It's the average.
Chris: Instrumental, electronic, but still this Tarantino-sound. It's a bit rocky, dark, but very easy to understand. I think it is kinda Heavy Beauty.

Chris: Favourite Lord of the Lost song...I hope I.. too difficult. The problem is, there are so many. And then tomorrow I remember one I forgot. It keeps switching. But at the moment I definitely have one favourite song. But no one knows it yet. I wrote it for the album next year. It's called "Ruins" and is a seven minute show. I think that one is totally totally totally awesome. (To the audience) In August 2018 you can hear it. Ruins.
Scarlet: That's a long time still.
Chris: I'll show it to you. So far it's only got blind text, that is "rrunsunwunyuhguuunsunyu!" I often write songs songs that way. It's totally embarassing. I often write songs which very few people hear.
Scarlet: A lot of people do that.
Chris: Yeah I know, still!
Scarlet: Blabla.
Chris: I still don't like to show it to someone. But sometimes you just have an idea for a song, just cool music, and you just don't have text yet. And then: "Huhnsunavagonna dointotwennigulpaman! Yeah!" (laugh) I think it's like..
Scarlet: Like children sing english.
Chris: Like Korn In their passages. When they: "Rowgagaga..." yeah. Alright, I'll go to the Meet and Greet now. It was a great pleasure meeting you. I hope we will hear from each other. Um..
(Chris waves, Scarlet throws a kiss)



Translation: Manuela Lütolf