Ep. 330 - Eye to Eye with Chubby (Aeverium)


(Non-literal translation)


Marcel (Chubby) bites off a top from his beer and says "My dentist is the best".




Chris jokingly explains how it works "First me, then you, then me, then..." and they act like it's complicated.


Then his question: He was surprised when he noticed that in one of Aeverium's songs, “Break out”, there are suddenly German lines at the end, completely unexpected.

Marcel says that's exactly what he was aiming for: to surprise people, so they remember the song. At some point in the preproduction he heard someone whispering "I run" (in German) in the background. It turned out it wasn't an actual human voice, just some rustling in the system. But it gave him the idea.



Chris says it's interesting how accidents can create things. They had a case like that too: In the song In Silence, there are first a few piano chords and then you hear something like a soft whale song. That was created when Chris produced the song and noticed that his chair squeaked in such a way when he moved around. He thought the sound was cool, so he put the microphone on the ground and spent the next 10 minutes sliding back and forth on the chair like a retard trying to reproduce the sound. Then he edited it digitally. So now this is a "song with stool".



Chris asks if there were any other songs where an accident lead to an invention. Marcel says no, but comments that people keep asking if they want to sing in German at some point, and Chris confirms people ask that alot. But English sounds better. Chris likes to sing German, but not in the context of Lord of the Lost, but for example a cover of Saltatio Mortis. Marcel says singing German can be good, but then it needs to fit, and be a good lyric. If you just translate a random one of their songs, like "Run away into the darkness", in German it already sounds like Schlager music.



They try it out, singing it in German.



Marcel says he'd like to sing in French. Chris says he would too, and there's one song he was thinking of doing in French. Marcel says it would be interesting to bring some hatred into this proper french language.



They say a bunch of random French words. Chris said a heavy beat would be cool, and a low-pitched distorted accordion. Marcel says they should write a song together.



Chris says Spanish is fun too. They just made the Spanish version of La Bomba. Marcel says he just bought that 2 days ago, when he bought the Sonic Seducer. And it had the Spanish version of La Bomba, and one with a song of Chris and Scarlet Dorn, and Eric Fish and Lord of the Lost. He figured: "You buy a magazine once in two years and already you've got Harms in the player."

Chris says Erk translated the text to Spanish, sung and layouted it for everyone, then Schulz with his perfect Spanish made corrections in pronounciation between Spanish Spanish and Mexican Spanish, and then it was Chris' turn. He doesn't sing very much in the Spanish version, just a bit on top of the rap passage. It was fun. Spanish has a strange power, “in your face”.



Chris asks what Marcel did before Aeverium. Marcel says he's not much a music student but an autodidact. He started playing drums, 26 years ago. Chris jokes: "When you were 1?". Marcel says he was 2, and Chris said Amy Whinehouse and Kurt Cobain will be sad that he can't join the 27-club. So Marcel was covering Alice Cooper and Metallica in his garage. Then the first serious thing was when he was the drummer of a band called "Leaf". Then they were on Tour with "Tante Doro" (?). It was a nice experience, but completely useless. Then he went to the front of the stage cause he liked to be the center of the attention, and he started with cover rock.



Chris says Mono Inc started like that too: Martin was the drummer, and they had a different singer. He quit music or something, Martin went to the front, and they got their female drummer.

Marcel says he was always a better drummer than singer. But then he switched to the mic of this alternative metal combo core fun rock band where they tried to be more serious, but didn't get far. Then he got a bit sick, had to take a break and rehabilitate for a few months, left the band, and he just wanted to start a cover band and keep it simple. Then a guitarist came to him and gave him a demo of his songs, and now he's here.



Chris says Aeverium works good and he likes it. Chris is not much of a fan of that purely symphonic stuff cause you're kind of missing the "Aah!" which Marcel brings. Chris likes the contrast. There's this great Within Temptation song featuring Xzibit which Chris just loves. 



Marcel says he hopes their drummer sees this episode, cause Marcel thinks "And We Run" is the best song Within Temptation ever made, and the drummer hates him for it. Chris likes that the song has this Euro Dance character. He likes that there's Within Temptation who are usually dabbling much more in pop than in metal, which is okay cause Chris is a "popper" too. (Marcel says "Me too") And then suddenly Xzibit comes in with this 90s style rap. Marcel thinks the video is terrible, but the song is awesome.



On the subject of drummers and singers: Chris asks if Marcel ever noticed that the drummer of Nirvana and the singer of Food Fighters look really similar. Marcel suspects one of them has a stage name and they're brothers. They're not sure the drummer of Nirvana is even still alive, cause the band "coked themselves to death" a lot.



That's the second time they mentioned club 27, which brings Chris on the subject of some guy named David Grull or whatever. But then he talks about a drinking song by the band "Die Ärzte" which fades out like most songs, but then it suddenly gets loud again, fades out again, and suddenly gets loud again. Marcel takes out his cellphone to listen to it.



Fast-forward as they listen to the song, ending with them laughing. Chris points out that the blonde band member doesn't even drink alcohol.



Marcel says the guy is also a vegan (don't know if he's joking), and then asks Chris if he's a vegan too. Chris says no. Marcel asks if they have vegans in the band. Chris says they have one in the crew, not in the band. Marcel says why the crew, they need to work the most, they should eat meat. Chris says he'd like to be a vegan, but he doesn't manage it. He also doesn't like what's happening with the animals and all. But it's already so difficult to eat protein-rich, carbohydrate-poor, not-shitty. Chris is 37 and is beginning to go through bodily changes. But going vegan is really difficult, he never managed it. Marcel says he managed it for a while, just eating meat once a week. But then he got bad mood, and he just likes meat too much.



Chris says he's not a luxury guy, but if he feels like eating fillet steak 7 times a week he does.

Marcel asks if Chris cooks, Chris says not at all, but his wife does, and Chris likes spending the money. He has no problem getting the most expensive, happiest organic free range animal which is three times as expensive but good meat. He doesn't buy jewellery or an expensive car, but good food, a warm home, he uses his washing machine and his bathtub whenever he wants to, that's luxury. He doesn't need to amass a lot of material goods. Marcel completely agrees.



Chris points at the lights in this room and says that this light temperature for example is disgusting, it gives you a bad mood. At home Chris has Philipps hue system lamps everywhere at home where you can switch the hue to any color. In the morning he is awoken by a sunrise in his whole house, when he puts on music it reacts to the audio and everything flickers like candle light. It's extremely expensive, but it's beautiful. In the studio too. Chris needs nice light to feel good at work. If you told him to write a song in this room, with this light, it'll just be crap.



Marcel feels the same way. When his wife comes downstairs in the morning, she doesn't put the shutters up, and he says "Come on, let some light in." He really likes the sunrise, the first bright point in the sky before it starts hurting.

Chris says there are 2 things he hates about the sunrise: one is if you're spending a long night with friends, partying, at the beach, or watching movies, and then the sunrise comes you don't want the night to end.



Chris: And you know what I hate the most about the sunrise? It's the combination with this bird chirping.

Marcel: YES! That stupid bird chirping dude!

Chris: I get up very early, but I also go to bed late. Then I lie down at 3 o'clock, knowing I have to get up at 6:30.

Marcel: At 3:30 the bastards start.

Chris: Then I'm falling asleep, and one of them goes: "AAAH!", and the others: "AAAAAH!" And you know what? I have this theory…


Chris: ...those stupid buggers are just afraid of heights. They're sitting on the trees going (looks down) "AAAAAAAH!" They're not trying to sing, they're not trying to fuck. They're just scared!

Marcel: They're scared…

Chris: They're sitting up there like cats, you know..get the fire fighters "Please get the bird down there"

Marcel: It's really a personal thing. They sit in front of your window and know "He's about to go to bed, and we don't want that."

Chris: Imagine this: I climb onto a tree, go to a nest: "WELL?!! EVERYTHING OK?!!"


Chris: I hate that. I hate that damn chirping!



Chris gives Marcel a youtube tip: "Parrot sings opera". Chris is amazed that the parrot can remember these really long patterns. Marcel says they had a parrot when he was young, but he flew off. Chris says the parrot will now tell the whole world what he heard at their house.



Marcel is sad that it's the second last day they get to spend with Lord of the Lost. Chris says it's the wrong perspective and he's happy they get to spend another day together tomorrow.

Marcel says tomorrow they'll be hugging each other good bye and crying. Chris said that won't happen cause he's an asshole concerning good byes. He doesn't like saying good bye to 50 people. He just disappears. He's like batman. He says something and then woosh, he disappears. And he also looks as awesome as Batman, actually he IS Batman. He's also Christian Bale, or would like to be, and he's Batman, and, he points to his Iron Man shirt and says that means he's Superman, or Batman, and Marcel says it's the communicator from Star Wars.

Chris does a Vulcan greeting and says "May the force be with you", which Marcel translates as "We'll be with you on May 4th".

They say good bye, Marcel says good luck with the Lords, Chris says good luck with the Aquariums.



Translation: Manuela Lütolf