Ep. 293 - Fanterview with  Class Grenayde

Interviewers: Katrin Rattenhuber, Andrea Caillean



Class: Welcome to my very first fanterview! It's probably the same for you? 

Andrea: Yep.

Class: Uhm..Yes, like the others before me I'm now going to be questioned by our fans as well. Yes.. How are you? Maybe you can introduce yourselves first. I'm´, as already said, Class...Grenayde.



Katrin: I'm Kati.

Andrea: I'm Andrea.

Class: Aaaand...now it starts! You surely wrote down questions. You can ask me anything and I can chose if I answer. Who begins?

Andrea: Uhm....





Andrea: Each of you had an...uhm...unique way to select the winners of these fanterviews. Was it your idea to let the dumbest joke win?

Class: Ah, no! To be honest...uhm...I wasn't sure what to chose and then my guys said "Well, yeah, normally you're a not a fan of lame jokes"...uhm...not necesserily just of lame jokes, but after around 20 times of repetition of a joke I just don't laugh anymore. I mean they can come up with a new joke! Uhm...that's why it's rumored I'm not laughing about jokes....uhm...And..well... related to that we decided to do this.

Sadly most of the jokes were actually funny! That's when I tought, oh well, ok... Would the next question be why I actually picked those? Because then I could just already say something about it now...uhm...I actually couldn't decide, but the fact that it was some kind of Star Wars joke, made me think "boy, you're a Star Wars fan..." and it was actually really funny! It was....How was it again? Say...repeat it again!



Katrin: Uhm...Something about what does Luke do after episode 5 and it then was a second-hand shop.

Class: Oh yeah, right. But one doesn't explain the jokes, that would be silly!



Katrin: You now have a quite extensive tour ahead of you...

Class: Yes!

Katrin: What would the perfect day be for you?

Class: During the tour or after?

Katrin: After the tour.

Class: So after the tour, because we also have days off during the tour...

Katrin: Ok..

Class: But then after the tour...uhm...The perfect day off is either something solely on my own. Just really isolating myself once, I'm sitting on my balcony...uhm I will probably have something to do...I fix something or loosen something and refix it again...uhm...Or I actually drive to my family, sort of out to the countryside and yeah...But somehow I just really don't want to do anything...like...At least going to the sauna or something like that...

Katrin: Ok.

Class: Because you are on tour with nice and lovely people but after three continuous weeks one feels that it sometimes is nice to be alone. Yeah...That's my perfect day...quiet..



Andrea: You are now on tour with Rabia Sorda, Filter and Combichrist.

Class: Exactly.

Andrea: With which band would like to go on tour once?

Class: What now? So to play along with, you mean?

Andrea: No, with Lord of the Lost but who...

Class: Huh? But I already play with Lord of ...Ahhh...you mean not with the bands we already go on tour with but another band?! Ahhh!

Andrea: Exactly! Is there a desired band?

Class: Wanted to say, it's this and that band I already go with...Another band I would like to go on tour with? Uhm, the first one that would come to my mind would be Gojira, from France,...uh

Andrea: Uhm.....

Class: ...exactly...You can google that, Gojira, G O J I R A..yeah!



Uhm, them I could support with my band at that time the Logos (??? can't clearly understand it..) 

and musically it's totally my thing and that's when I got to know them a little. And they are super, super, incredibly likeable, nice people and from them I know that they are well-adjusted at the end of the day. Maybe they would be a bit too calm for me, that I don't know. But that is the first band I would say...and Yeah, I would also like to go on tour with Rammstein, by the mere fact that it's all so gigantic.



Best would be a world tournee like we did with Combichrist. So, with Gojira because it's a nice small thing and my favourite music and with Rammstein because it would be a big thing as well...and for me because it is theoretically the most obvious too that one might eventually happen one day...

Andrea: Would be cool!

Class: Yep, I think so too! Anyways, we could just do it like ping-pong. Are we doing it like that?

Andrea&Katrin: Yes.



Katrin: Your next album "Empyrean", could we already hear when it will be released, time-wise? Or is it still a secret?

Class: Well, sometime between july and september.

*cameraman snorting*

Katrin: Well...ok...

Class: Well, yeah...ok...exactly.

Andrea: That isn't that long anymore.

Class: Nope, exactly as long as summer usually lasts. That was... I'm going to drink something.



Andrea: Right, the first single of the album "The Love of God" is already released and the video was directed by Harun Hazar. But who got the crazy idea for that video?

Class: Basically Chris, derived from that we wore that hellacious makeup at the Amphi Festival 2013, I believe...

Andrea: ..14...

Class: It was 14?

Andrea: Yes!

Class: Ok...uhm...that we kind of inverted our makeup colours, that means black face and black bodies we also have on stage and white makeup...

Andrea: Yep.

Class: So and because I nearly had the same makeup as at the festival and that one can use that as style-forming element to transmit all this madness because also the room, this big space, is white and appears endless. Because this contrast between black and white wich is then also inverted appears very impressive. It actually is an art film. So...that's why the inverted and Chris got the idea to do it that way.



Andrea: Oh, exciting. (??? can't hear what she says after that)

Class: Anytime! Good?

Andrea: Yeah.



Katrin: Which is your most favourite song from Lord of the Lost and why?

Class: *Clearing his throat* ... That always varies a bit, because I usually actually base favourite songs on us playing them live...uhm... I'm actually not sure if, for example, "The Love of God" is my favourite song at the moment. ...Uhm... At the moment I almost believe that the opener of the new album is my favourite song. 



Katrin: The opener? 

Class: It's all mood dependent, because I also don't have any favourite bands and no real favourite songs, because for each mood I know from myself I have specific favourite songs or favourite bands that I take out when I need them. 

Katrin: Ok.

Class: So, that's why... But "Love of God" or simply the opener of the coming album.

Katrin: Ok.



Andrea: Right. Uhm... You are with Lord of the Lost since 2008?

Class: No... yes..

Andrea: No???

Class: Nope...Uh...no, Yes! Hang on...2009 we played the first gig...

Andrea: Yes.

Class: So since the beginning I'm in on it.

Andrea: Exactly, uhm... You are playing the bass.

Class: Correct.

Andrea: You can also play piano?

Class: Well... yeah, so-so...

Andrea: So-so?

Class: I can get some melodies out of it and can take hold of some chords, so... That's enough to record ideas.

Andrea: Ok.

Class: I did have keyboard lessons once...

Andrea: Yeah.

Class: That wasn't really my thing and then I once got my hands on an electric guitar and then pretty fast an electric bass and I thought that's a lot more awesome!

Andrea: mhmhh.

Class: That's how I got on to it.

Andrea: So playing whole pieces...?

Class: Nope, well, if "Chopsticks" counts as a whole pieces, then of course!

Andrea: That you still know...

Class: Yeah.

Andrea: Ok.



Katrin: Well ok, then to the personal questions.

Class: Yes.

Katrin: You are going quite a lot to the gym...

Andrea: Mhmh.

Katrin: And there you are...

Class: We'll get to that later, but please continue.

Katrin: ...a lot on tour. Is there any time in between for family, friends?

Class: Uhm, yes. To that I have to say that I actually don't go to the gym. 

*cameraman laughing*

Class: Well, I registered now. Starting July will go to a new fitness studio, which opened recently and which opened right around the corner at my place, which is why I actually have the motivation to go there regularly.

Katrin: Ok.

Class: Uhm...in principle I do have good genes from my grandfather, who also looked good, despite having been a paramedic at war at best and patched up some wound at most. Uhm...and well, that you already know from the Sonic Seducer that I do have the so called Crohn's disease. That is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, but that isn't a problem, [9:13] everything's chico (?), everything's fine, but relating to this I'm lacking a bit the capability to transform fat and similar substances into body fat. Which is why I'm comparatively withy. But possibly not as trained as I appear. But at the moment I regularly do yoga and stuff and will go regularly to the gym and then I'll get really big muscles!

Katrin: Yeah...

Class: Oh, yes, about time... well, so that could maybe also be a question for Tobias Mertens, right, when it's his turn...Have you already been up? *to the cameraman* No. Nope..

Katrin: Not yet, no.

Class: Because he is the absolute master of time management. And if you pull yourself together and overcome you weaker self you can get a lot more done a day than you think. Unless, of course, you work a complete full time job and is working the whole day then that's it. But there's still potential, so, you also don't have to always train 6 hours a day or something like that. 

Katrin: True.

Class: And fitness, I think, is also happening with attitude. If I have to take down the trash, I always do it and don't wait 2 days till I sometime have to leave the house. I always just do it, I'm always moving, which means "could you...".."Yes" and then jab jab...Then you are also moving and the body is trained in some kind of way. Yeah.

Katrin: Yep.



Andrea: Yes. Are you peacocky?

Class: I guess....yes...For example, I exactly know how to use a mirror to reflect and see myself and to see how I look and how I appear, because I evaluate myself and so on...uhm...I use that tool technically for vanity, so "looks good" and so on, but also in this sense to be succesful, because I know how I have to present myself on stage, with the fans, in front of the camera to come across to just provide a pretty image. uhm...yeah...And maybe the fact that I have simply been gifted with this body and didn't work it, makes be more grateful than peacocky, if you only refer to physical beauty. Yeah, that's how I would define my vanity...



Katrin: Who is your idol? And were you already able to meet your idol?

Class: Concerning idols it's similar to favourite songs and favourite bands... uhm... often it's the case that if I would really meet my idols, I would think, depending on whether I'm there for example for professional reasons, that it wouldn't be professional to go there and ask "Can I take a picture with you?"..uhm... with that I'm always very...uhm, but to get back to my idol, so back then when I was little I always wanted to Colt Seavers, The Fall Guy, don't know if you..., if you're are old enough to know that... my father always proised me, right, but never kept it...

Katrin: Aww.

*cameraman(Tobi): Awwww*

Class: Oh well, I also never got a small moped, but... At some point I also had other interests... uhm.. nope, I don't really have idols, really in this area there are some, I don't know, guitarists where I say they are really cool, but again they are cool in their field and at another field there are some others and so on...UHM...nope...I also theoretically have idols in my own band, so, because each human has something one sees as ideal and where one says "hey, that's a good way". One can also choose another way, but that's a good direction, you can use that human to orientate. Well...but single idols like that...my bass teacher is still my idol, just because I talk to him and that he can just be succesful without throwing his weight around. I can just go there for a coffee and maybe his roommate cooked, uh, baked some cake and then we just hang out and talk about anything and everything and stuff. That's for example also an idol, so...yeah...

Katrin: Well, good.



Andrea: Last but not least. You already mentioned it.

Class: Oh, we're already done? That was fast! How long are we already filming?

Cameraman(aka Tobi): Almost 15 minutes.

Class: Ah, ok, nearly "right in time"...

Andrea: Yes, yes..

Class: So around 20 minutes approximately...

Andrea: Yes, we are good!

Class: Yes.

Andrea: Can I ask you?

Class: Yeah, shoot.

Andrea: Uhm, you already mentioned, Star Wars fan and so on...Which is your most favourite Star Wars character and why?

Class: Uhhhhhhhh......uhm...That's difficult! To be honest I happened to dig Star Wars because I think the universe is really awesome, because I'm a fan of monsters and aliens more specifically this form of art this, these, these aliens or whatever, just the creativity behind it and this incredible, because it doesn't effectively happen in our universe. Uhm... In this sense, I'm interested in the different, the universal. But favourite character, I mean...yeah...I'm...Funnily I'm always one who then also in video games play the good guys when everyone always plays the bad guys. But I just don't want to slaughter some people in games though they didn't do anything, just to collect points to be a crass guy as a villain. uhm...I think Darth Vader is cool, no question. I also do have a Darth Vader helmet and as of late I have a Kylo Ren helmet too. Though Kylo Ren is, I'm still giving him a chance, but he actually is a wimp. so...hm... Actually looking at the whole Han Solo is the coolest. Because he's just... At heart he's good and he would do everythig good, but he's so cool that he doesn't want, doesn't need to admit it. Even though everyone knows that at heart he is the cool, nice, friendly guy. I mean, the best line is, when Leia says to him "Han, I love you." and he answers "I know". It's just cool. So, but the others are all cool. I would rather say I absolutely don't like Jar Jar Binks. Well, I do know who I think sucks, but with good people I distribute it. 

Katrin: mhmh, good.

Andrea: Yeah.

Katrin: Yes, then, thank you a lot.

Class: You are very welcome, it was very nice. Very entertaining, the 15 minutes passed really quickly. Yeah...

Andrea & Katrin: Yes!

Class: Goodbye!

Andrea: Ciao!!

Class: Till the show! Or so...



Translation: Jennifer Rudolph