Ep. 100 - Fragestunde auf St. Pauli



Chris: Welcome to Episode 100 of  TV of the Lost. We are here in St.Pauli, behind us the legendary.. 

Bo: Exxon!

Chris: I didn't wanna say it because oil company. But you're quite right...gas station. And we will now travel through St.Pauli and show you our favorite places, and as we do we'll answer your questions. Question time! Enjoy.


Question: Have you ever counted how many kilometers you travel on average?


Gared: Normally I'd say 42, but that's not the answer in this case. But if you count it over it'll be around 20 kilometers. 20 Thousand, sorry.

Chris: Seriously, I wonder how much it is. Last tour we probably made 5000, right?

Gared: We had 5000 for the Instanz tour, we had 5000-6000 for the Eisbrecher tour...

Chris: Then we already have much more than 20 thousand.

Gared: If you really count it together with all the other tours, 30-40 thousand

(Someone off-camera): Without flying

Gared: Without flying. Only on wheels

Chris: I would guess 35 thousand.


[1.36: where they're in the metal sculptures]


(Person sitting at the drums (was that Disco?)): Do you need a taxi?



Question: how did the individual members join Lord of the Lost?


Bo: I met Chris back when I wanted to make a recording with my band, Eleven Punch (Not sure I heard the name correctly) where I played the guitar. I already knew Chris before that, and we asked him, went into his studio and recorded it. And sometime shortly after that it was my birthday, and I invited him. We got along well, and at some point came the slightly drunk question: "Do you want to join my band?" I figured "Yeah, sure whatever", and the next day I got a text message saying "The question was meant seriously". And I've been in the band since then, and I had my first concert sometime in december 2008 I think.


(Looks at background, some laughter)


Bo: 2009? 2009. Yeah, in December 2009.


[ 2:36]

Off-camera voice: No one wants him.

Chris: (mock crying) I feel like the fifth wheel on the beetle (car). (snicker)



Question: Which artist was your first bought CD (or cassette/record) from?


Class: Dog eat Dog: All Boro Kings. Used.

Gared: What?

Class: Second hand.

Gared: D.J.Bobo: Just for you, best of.

Disco: It was the soundtrack to the soccer world championship 1994 with such (????) like Scorpions etc.

Bo: Um, Missy Elliott, no idea what the album was called.

Chris: Um, the first was in fact Peter's Pop Show. It had Scorpions on it too. But the first real Album from a Band was Roxette: Joyride.



Question: What impression did you have of each other when you met for the first time?


Chris: The first impression of myself when I saw myself in the mirror for the first time was really great. I said 'I am awesome'. And for the guys it was in fact quite different, to be honest.

Class I know from a music store in Hamburg, and my first impression was in fact always 'Awesome, I want to make a band with that guy'. I always kind of found him impressive and cool. And at some point the time came.

For the other guys it was sometimes different. My first impression of Gared was (snicker) 'what kind of a weirdo is that?' and when I then realized what he can do with his ten fingers on the keyboard I honestly have to say I shook off those prejudices and for the first time looked at what kind of guy that is and I was impressed.

That was similar for Bo. My first impression of Bo was also: 'Okay another one of those Hamburg suburb rednecks'. And...after a few jokes I just noticed the guy is so unbelievably nice, and I grew fond of him so quickly that any doubt was removed.

Disco was actually the crassest story. Back when he came to The Pleasures, he, as a person completely unknown to me, did such a ???? that right from the start he could only impress me. 

And this shouldn't have any lasting meaning, that the first impression counts, cause as we know it really doesn't. They're just my four best friends and the first impression completely doesn't matter, but hey, you asked. This is the answer. True story.



Gared: Let me go to the sexy club.

Class: What are you getting?

Someone else: Handcuffs!



Bo: Chris, you're banned from that place, aren't you? For bad behaviour.



Question: How did the individual members join Lord of the Lost?


Disco: Originally I know Chris from The Pleasures, Chris' former band where we still play, and, when Chris founded Lord of the Lost, first there was dear Any as you all know. And when she left about two years ago, it turned out through various temporary gigs I played that this formation just fits perfectly like a fist on an eye...


(Camera pretends to punch him)


Disco: Bam! And so it stayed that way when she left and um, you see the result here.



Disco: One day we'll play there. Oh, we already did!



Question: What happened to Bo One - Bo Five?


Bo: (laugh) Um...they're dead.

Chris: Was that it?

Bo: Yes!



Question: Do you sometimes watch Tv of the Lost yourselves, maybe as a memory of anecdotes of already passed concerts?


Bo: Yes, we do, gladly, to wallow in memories.

Someone else: Wallow.

Bo: Yes, walllllow. When you miss friends like Axel, the Monos, Unzucht and the tons of other musicians we haven't seen in long.

Bo in the cut-in-scene: And let's not forget Die Letzte Instanz!

Off-camera: Do you want to greet one of them? We won't edit it out.

Bo: Uh... (Scene changes)



Question: How did the individual members join Lord of the Lost?


Class: Chris and I actually met by often running into each other in a music store nearby, and when the Pleasures planned a change of cast he asked 'Hey, wouldn't you feel like playing for us?' I was like: 'Yup. But I have another band, I can't. But if you ever look for someone again, ask me and I'll say yes.' Then he approached me at the end of 2007 and said 'I've got a band', I said 'Ok. Where are the songs?' then I listened to the songs and then I was in. It was quite easy and simple.


[7:46 - 7:53]

Question: Why did Bo have blonde hair again occasionally?


Disco: He fell into a barrel of hydrogen peroxide. It's true.



Question: How did you get the idea to do SPIEL AN MEINEM GLIED (Play with my member)?


Bo: Well, it was somewhere...where was that? Oh yeah. That was when we had our live practice at Just Music, I sat down with an accoustic guitar and let out that which I just had to at the moment. That was it.



Someone: Oh, they have a new sign.


[I can't understand what they're chanting at 8:54-9:04]


Disco: To the 100th!

Gared: Cheers!



Chris: Oh! One of the most absurd bars on the Kiez. It really only makes sense from 4 permilles onwards and from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 pm. It's called Hong Kong in the meantime, but we actually only know it as Hotel-Entrance-Hotel even though it's actually called Entrance-Hotel-Entrance. So, if you're ever on the Kiez in the weekend and you think "Hm, maybe the guys from Lord of the Lost are not on tour", you could catch us here at 4 pm. Byyye!

Gared: My drink is empty! (which in German sounds similar to the word "slayer" like on the sign).



Questions: 1. Do you have other hobbies apart from music?

2. I believe Chris studied acoustical engineering, did the rest of you also learn something "respectable" ^^?

3. Do you also always think TV questions are too easy? a) yes b) potato.


Chris: Well the thing is, I said it often, I can say it again: if you make your hobby your job, you lose your hobby. And unfortunately I have to say I really don't have any other hobby anymore. And, other than that, potato.

Bo: Definitely potato.


[10:10 at the tattoo studio]


Chris: I think by now it's been 15 years since I got hacked apart here for the first time. And greetings here to Sebsta.



Class: So, there, well there, there, we shot out outstanding 'Sex on Legs' video.

Chris: In the Moon Doo. And what many probably don't know: in the 80s Andrew Eldrich lived in one of these house from Sisters of Mercy. And right next to it is the laufhaus, one of the biggest brothels in Hamburg. Now wonder where the line "25 whores in the room next door" came from.



Question: How did the individual members join Lord of the Lost?


Gared: Chris gave a production workshop, and I was sort of the keyboard exhibit, I'll call it. And um, I guess a certain affinity presented itself, and he asked me if maybe I wanted to take care of the piano for one or two live gigs. He dismissed that again shortly after. Then he asked if I wanted to play in the next album, which would have been Antagony. That too he dis...dismi...dismissed shortly after. We have to cut that.

(The part with his verbal misstep is played again and again)


Gared: ...um, and asked me if I wanted to become a permanent band member. And it became an eternal love.



Question: Which is your best or funniest or worst memory of shooting a video?


Disco: That was while shooting See You Soon, in the dunes, which I never would have thought. During the attempt, or should I say at the instruction of the director, Jasmine, that I should move my hand across the reeds. And that took about 10 takes till that was taken care of to my general satisfaction. Moving my hand through those reeds again and again, that was...I never would have thought. I was surprised.

Gared: I scene where I sunk down roughly to...zoom down...down to here in slick, and still had to try to look natural, really sexy and thoughtful, as the song is.

Chris: Do you know how you looked?

Gared: Terrible.

Chris: Like a retarded stork. 

Gared: As I said, terrible. 

Chris: (sucking noise) And he kept making such noises.


(they both make sucking noises with their mouths)


Chris: And he wasn't allowed to laugh. Instead he had to look to the horizon all sad.

Gared: I mean I am sad, I am emo, look at me. (strokes hair) But I found my ??? now.

Chris: So you're emo and you're looking for a girlfriend, right?

Gared: Heehee, and I'm also very nice, rrrr!



Bo: All at once, my boxing match, my bare-knuckle fight in the Ritze, for the Die Tomorrow video, because there I also got a few real punches in the gob. And on the one hand that's a great experience, on the other hand, not so great.

Chris: You know what we'll do now Bo, to get over it? We're going to the Ritze.



Chris: You have to face this. I know you got serious punches to the gob here. 

Bo: I don't want this.

Chris: But you have to face this. We're going in now. I'm with you. You have to face this. You can do this. I know you bled, you were in pain, and I know that your heart hurt cause you spent 10 Euros on artificial blood..


(Bo laughs)


Chris: ...but, you can do it. So, off into the Ritze with you. You can do it. (Side note: the name of the place, "Ritze", translates as "Crack")


[13:52-13:59 (Don't miss Chris dancing like a kid)]


Bo: It still hurts.

Disco: His name is Ritzy Ritz. 



Question: How much do you love Mama Trash and why? ;)


(Various gestures)


Bo: That much. Because she's old Mama.



Chris: The thing is, not everything about St. Pauli is happy. And I honestly have to say, these stupid gambling halls...let's quickly go in inconspiciously...it looks like the worst...whatever. I'd say bull's eye (name of the place). And with these ugly curtains, with the flat surfaces you're invited...when you're told, here you have "fun" (that's what's written on the window) (wrinkles nose) unbelievable.



Question: After your concert in Kassel, can we drink a beer together?


Disco: Sure. What kind of question is that?

Chris: Why one? One is stupid. I'm not in the mood for that.

Someone: That's an uneven number!

Chris: Exactly.

Disco: So, do you mean two people sharing one, or each person one, or, I don't understand the question.

Chris: Or the five of us...oh, Iron Man 3 is coming!



Chris: Yes, this is the jungle delta of the Kiez. Grosse Freiheit, Thai-oasis, catholic church, cause Jesus lives. In us and in you.

Bo: Here the easy girls can go to confess you know.



Disco: Now, time for Astra. Do you mind? (quoting a publicity slogan apparently)

Gared: Absolutely not!

Disco: To the 100th!

(Camera points to the waitress) Honey, give me a photo!

Waitress: I don't know.

(Person behind camera. Chris I think) Honey give me a photo. Please!

Waitress: (laugh) Of couse I will!



Question: What music do you listen to and do you also go to concerts? Where do you spend your vacation? Do you still have friends in the old sense or rather not?


Bo: Yeah we don't have time for that, but of course we still have friends, but we only see those like once a month. But that makes it all the more intense.

Gared: It has to be said, the best friends we have at the moment are we to each other. We're like brothers. And our best friends. And a family.

Someone: That's true.

Disco: Unfortunately.

Class: And colleagues. And brothers.

Bo: It's like with family. You can't choose it. 

Class: And actually also sisters. And (female) cousins. But good cousins.

Bo: Can you still have sex with cousins? Second degree right?

Gared: You can still marry those.


(All of them singing along to the music) "Honey, give me a photo. A little photo of you..."



Chris: Well Gared, you know what? You, being a 1 Euro worker at Lord of the Lost, just spent 2 hours pay in a gambling game, and..

Someone else: Even though we haven't been playing for two hours at once.

Chris: And besides, you don't play with luck/happiness



Chris: There, now you know where we live, and know a bit about St.Pauli, our home, and I hope you had a bit of fun and we tried to answer as many of your questions as possible, as always we of course couldn't answer all, and I hope you had a bit of fun, and we'll see you in the 101st episode, (can't understand the last couple of words).


(Members say good bye in various ways)



Question: (can't see the whole question, but it seems to be: ) What's your job? And do you still work?


Chris: Yes, we still work, to put it that way. If you knew how much work that is. The problem is of course, it stopped being a hobby a while ago, and it's tons of work. And to still look so cheerful during TV of the Lost is the tip of a very disciplined and work-intensive iceberg and a big battle against the inner temptation to be lazy. Yes...we still work.



Source: Youtube