Die Kreatur - Freakshow for two

► Since the end of January there has been an excited rustling in the leaves- or rather Internet forest: Who is behind "Die Kreatur" (the Creature), which until now could only be seen as a shadowy, double-headed monster, and which left the Gothic community in the dark about their identity? The only thing leaked out was that it was the union of two great names of the Goth scene and that the two-man creature with the bony logo had created a monster that is second to none. Even before it became known which musicians were behind "Die Kreatur", six club shows in autumn and an appearance at the Wave Gotik Treffen had already been announced. For Sonic Seducer, Die Kreatur now not only lift their top hats, but also reveal the secret of their identity: The mystery turns out to be the product of Lord of the Lost’s mastermind Chris Harms and Oomph!’s  frontman Dero Goi. So we asked the duo with the motto "2 heads-2 voices-2 personalities” for an interview.


Not only for the concerts, but also for their first album, Die Kreatur promise "a dark, ominous fusion of musical creativity" - and in view of the two parties involved, the expectations are indeed high. But how did this collaboration come about? "I got to know Chris when we DJed in the Darkflower in Leipzig on the occasion of the Wave Gotik Treffen," Dero recalls, and Chris adds: "Back then, there was no purpose yet or the idea to make a completely new band together. Until a few years ago I had only known Oomph! as I was a fan of them myself and listened to their music since I was a teenager, at our DJ set I offered Dero a remix for Oomph, which didn't happen then, but we stayed in contact, and somehow the idea came up that we would meet up in my studio and just write a few songs together - without really knowing each other - for Oomph, for Lord of the Lost, for whoever, or just for fun."


Chris and Dero also seem to have fun staging Die Kreatur - for the Oomph! frontman the band's name and a dark black and white outfit refer to the late 19th century, when figures like Jack The Ripper were haunting through the streets and human malformations were put on display at fairs. "I like the name because it has many meanings and can create different associations," explains Dero. "On the one hand, the concept of «creation» is fundamentally positive, in which the creative musical process is already inside that word. At the same time, the term also suggests a closeness to the horror genre and docks to a time when people's deformities still were passed around as attractions. It reminds me of Freaks like the woman with the beard or the elephant human - you can easily say, Die Kreatur is a kind of Siamese twin from Lord of the Lost and Oomph!"


If you take into account the usual steady electro/metal, that Oomph! perform on their last album "Ritual", and the less squeamish youngest Lord of the Lost album "Thornstar", the thought arises that Die Kreatur could also be exceptionally heavy. Chris confirms: "We never tried desperately to clearly differentiate the sound from our two main bands. There are songs that are very close to both Oomph! and Lord of the Lost, others break out more strongly. Generally it was not important to us to find a common thread - the great fun lays in the absolute freedom of musical design, without the limitations of an image built up over years or any expectations of whoever."



However, the expectations or hopes that the joint label Napalm Records had placed in the duo were obviously fulfilled, as Dero explains. "It naturally simplifies things that both our bands are under contract there. Regardless of the short distances involved, we also looked elsewhere - with the result that we could also have released our album at four or five other record companies. One pretty good starting point."


Really big musical surprises are therefore unlikely to be expected at Die Kreatur - rather the bundled power and quality of two leading German scene bands. "Certainly in the studio we sometimes focused on the things that suit us best: Chris on guitar and production, me on vocals and drums." says Dero, "But it was also very good to be able to free ourselves mentally from our usual artistic environment and start playing music without great pressure. We both find the result to be rather timeless and not clearly nailed down - which is certainly also due to our musical socialization. Chris, for example, is also influenced by Madonna or Lady Gaga, while I rather grew up with The Sisters of Mercy, Depeche Mode or Soft Cell." 


Indeed, it sounds like an entertaining recording process that Chris describes: "It was just the fun of working out songs together. And slowly an emotional and substantive thread emerged - with the same versatility and openness."


Die Kreatur, according to Chris, used the latter for their songs artistically and in terms of content. “We both do everything - in the studio, musically, in the intersection in equal parts and with the help of some guys from the team at Chameleon Studios. There will also be two front men live, and we sing mainly in German. At least so far, because we have not imposed any limits on any future planning.”


The same applies to the dark content, which the figures mentioned by Dero sometimes transfer to a metaphorical level, "The malformations that we are concerned with can also be of a mental nature”, explains the Oomph! singer. "They show up in failed or out of control love stories or on the freaks who hide in public behind a staid facade – be it politicians, narcissists or dangerous psychopaths. And I'm afraid the more harmless the outside, the deeper the abyss.”


So Chris and Dero will have a lot to say on the first Die Kreatur album - and of course also live, whereby the super duo becomes a super group on stage, as Chris concludes: "Live we are supported by Silvestri on the drums, who usually plays drums on Oomph!, guitar and bass will be played by Pi and Class Grenayde from Lord of the Lost. I will pick up the guitar for some songs, and Dero will be busy here and there with the keyboard."

The fans who have been speculating on the identity of Die Kreatur on Instagram since the beginning of the year will certainly be raging with enthusiasm - at the latest when the first album is available shortly. We will keep you up to date in the upcoming issues.



Translation: Margit Güttersberger