Orkus February 2016

Chris' end-of-year review


What was your highlight of the year 2015?

Emotionally speaking, our acoustic-tour, regarding the exotic bonus, the metal-cruise Full Metal Cruise, which we were allowed to enhance with our music, personally the renovation and move into the legendary Hamburger Chameleon Studios, and all in all maybe the show at M'era Luna. This are the moments when you notice and know why you're doing this, despite all the exertions, no matter how often you're thinking about giving up and packing it all in.


What was a gorgeous musically experience in 2015?

As I already said, the acoustic-classic-tour “A Night To Remember” overshadowed everything emotionally and musically. It was a very touching event to be able to communicate with our fans in this calm form musically. We laid an egg with it, which has hatched in the form of the Lord of the Lost Ensemble and, what is now growing up, will be our very own band-intern side-project. It won't stay onetime.


What was a very special life experience in 2015?

I sadly really can't reveal THIS. (laughs)


What was a very special moment for you as an artist?

It happens more and more often that we're told that our song See You Soon helps a lot of sick people and people struggling with death, that it's played on funerals, lyrics are used on gravestones. There were some moments in which I came face to face with it in different kinds by request of some people. This showed me again what music, apart from all the success, is about: It's about accompanying people musically, to be a part of the soundtrack of their life – and death – , to give our support in times of need, emotions and music are inextricably linked with the world of thoughts and feelings of a person. I'm happy we have had been able to make the life of some people better with these twelve tones which are available for us.


What was your town of the year?

It will always be Hamburg, already on principle.


What was your drink of the year?

I entirely fell for Club-Mate. Others drink coffee, I now drink this awful soda.


Your movie/series of the year was...?

American Horror Story.


Your album of the year was...?

Reinhard Mey dann mach's gut


How far along are the first plans or maybe also implementations for a 2016-release?

We're in the throes of production, pretty much partway. Again a for us completely new sound-world will be discovered and we lay the foundations for a lot of new things. I brought the electro-formation Formalin from Berlin in, thereto you always discover horizons, which you haven't been able to see before.


What's the title of your work and how did you come up with this title?

EMPYREAN. I won't say anything else about it for now. Everyone who is actually interested should first deal with it by himself.


Which three details can you already tell about the release?

Concept album. Dystopia. Science Fiction.


How far along are already ideas for the artwork and who designs it?

I have enough ideas, as always; who, how, what... that's the big question right now. There are so many possibilities to realize the topic optically. I have to ask this question to myself first and must answer it, but it will take some weeks until this process is finished.


What will be different for you as an artist in 2016 than in the years before?

I don't know this yet. (grins)


Which participations at festivals can you already announce today?

I don't remember everything, but I can recall the big ones immediately: Summer Breeze, M'era Luna with an Ensemble-show and Castle Rock in a twin pack, both loud and with Ensemble, spread on two days.


How do the plans for a tour look and where should it take place?

If I was allowed, I would tell you everything immediately...


With which band would you love to go on tour – a) realistic, b) less realistic?

a) Rob Zombie, b) Roxette


Which upcoming music release are you particularly curious for?

I'm deeply ashamed to admit that I notice and listen to very few new music. My whole life is about music: LOTL, songwriting and production for other artists, music the whole day, up and down. IF I have the time, mainly in the car, to listen to music and really feel like dealing with it in my free time, it's mainly bands I listen to for years anyway. The older I get the less time I have for new releases, also from closely related bands. It's an occupational disease which leaves me awkwardly with the answer: I have not the slightest idea who will anyway release anything the next time. If something great is among it, someone will tell me. (laughs)


Which band should, in your opinion, get a lot of attention in the year 2016?

Erdling. Not least because I produced them, no, just because I have great regard for the energy of this band and think rocking, fresh wind in the usually very stoical NDH-world is precious.


What do you wish for the world for 2016?

What I wish for the world in general. That everyone understands that the world is big enough for all of us, if we help each other, see left and right and don't condemn and judge anyone for what he is or seems to be.


And what do you personally wish for 2016?

I'm not the person I expect others to be. To judge others from a boss-positions means to make it better by yourself. That's not the case for every points. I'm working on it my whole life, also this year.


Why should 2016 become a good and special year?

Every year should be a good and special one. We only have this one life.

5 guys - 5 interviews 


I should have become scientist...


Which memories are sacred to you?

All good and defining memories. Memories are the base of awareness, the base of all our thinking, feeling and acting.

What are you keeping like a treasure?

My son.

Which characteristic do you miss in yourself?

I would love to be able to stop the time. To be honest: I'm bad at maths, that's something I would like to be very good at.

When did you last learn something from another person – and what?

I've learned from my son that sharks can reach the age of more than 70 years.

Is there anything in the future that discomforts you?

The future in general discomforts me. Statistically, it won't be long

until someone totally freaks out again and we have to shoot back.

Are you able to change it?

No, not really. No one knows which ideas, packed in music, can be planted into people, which triggers a snowball effect. I can only try to make it better and make it possible for the next generation, trough communication of values, to build upon it.

What are the first three things you're paying attention to, regarding your dialogue partner?

That's not generalizable and not analyzable. Above all not categorizable. I don't think it's important to have three things you're paying attention to first. An overall impression emerges, which leads, no matter what and with all effort, to a temporary picture, a prejudice, whether it's good or bad...

Ten years ago, did you imagine your here and now the way it is at the moment?

Actually I really imagined it like this, or rather I wished for it. I'm happy with my way.

Is there a song which changed your life?

Many. What comes first into my mind: Radiohead with Creep, it brought me to e-guitars.

Often the last thought before falling asleep?

“Shit, I only have three hours until I have to get up again...”

Which style is better: the one from yesterday, today or tomorrow?

Isn't the one from today and tomorrow also somehow the one from yesterday? As long as I find some gray jeans and some washed-out longsleeves, it totally doesn't matter for me. (laughs)

Do you dress as you feel or do you disguise yourself?

Both. Usually I put on what's comfortable or proper for the occasion. A visit in the supermarket is not the same like a visit of a concert or a beach walk. Sometimes the urge to disguise surfaces, but mainly on tour, when I have to be together with the other idiots on narrowest space. We five together always lead to special moments, which remarks not least in a strange fetish for disguising-games.

How important is fashion for people?

Evolution-technical speaking, not a bit. But for some people, fashion means the same as music means to me, or what the next one feels while cooking, tuning cars or collecting puzzles.

How is your own style?

If I have something like this after all, then what I designed and sewed for our last tour and the Full Metal Whore EP...

Which tradition do you appreciate?


Which tradition do you miss nowadays?

There is no tradition, with which I have grown up and miss nowadays.

Which tradition would you like to relinquish?

Every form of religion, the biggest and worst misery mankind could have been creating themselves.

Which childhood dream do you still pursue?

An old Mercedes with gull-wing doors.

Who knows you best?

My immediate relatives, my band and my production partner and friend Benny.

Who is very attractive for you?

Taylor Momsen.

Would immortality be a curse or a blessing for you?

I volunteer for figuring it out.

Which bad habit can't you part with?

Smoking. It's an On/Off-relationship. We break from time to time, come back together again. At the moment, we have an open relationship. I'm allowed to smoke an e-cigarette or eat a banana.

Your craziest action to get the attention of the opposite sex?

Maybe I will write it into my autobiography.

Which smell do you sense as tempting?

I'm not a very olfactory person. Every kind of stink disturbs me a lot, but smells slightly tempt me.

What would you risk to stay true to yourself?

It comes down on what is in the other balance tray. I mustn't and can't answer this generally.

With whom would you like to go out for diner?

Currently with no one.

What's your favorite decade? And why this one?

I've grown up in the 90s. I often measure new things with the 90s.

Do you need the risk? In which dose?

Calculable risk can be interesting for a moment, but is still a risk then? I never really was a 'No risk, no fun'-person, by now I'm probably just too boring and old therefore. I like to have it nice and easy, I don't need much and I need no pain, no risk, no thrill, to enjoy my life.

What makes you different from others?

Everything and nothing. Everyone else is among themselves as different as I am compared to them.

What would you like to share with others?

My calmness and serenity.

What was your favorite toy as a child?

My musical instruments.

What's your favorite toy nowadays?

At the moment DUPLO®. Soon we're big enough for LEGO®.

What have you always wanted to know?

I always wanted to now EVERYTHING. When my – because of my human existence limited – thoughts reach the end, I always nearly go crazy. What was before the Big Bang? Why did it happen? How is the infinity of the universe defined, independent of spacetime curvature? How far can I understand multidimensional theories? I should have become scientist...

What's romance for you?

I'm a fan of late Romantic piano music.

How many CDs do you own approximately?

Some hundred.

Have you ever bought a CD from yourself?

For sure. I always do it. It comes with the territory. In the past it was the excitement to see the CD in a record store, today it's just tradition. I always buy some and give them as presents.

Which insight would you like to let other people know?

That everyone of us is right; there are only different point of views, characterized by different backgrounds.

Which band impressed you as child/teen most?


If your life was an album, how would it be called?

Chris Harms

Which album have you last listened to without doing anything else?

Alexa Feser Gold von Morgen

Which album would you recommend to your biggest enemies/antagonists?

I don't correspond with my biggest enemies.

Are you, during concert visits, in the first rows or more in the back, as a silent listener?

In the very back, with cap, hood and glasses, so I can keep to myself, if possible, or just alone with my company.

Which concert did you first and last bought a ticket for?

Bought? Then it's both times Roxette, but with 21 years in between.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

This evening, drum recording for the new album starts. I'm looking forward to this.

What's the best from your past?

To reduce it to just one experience would neither be possible nor right.

Which trend caught you last?

I now also have these fancy robotic vacuum cleaners at home.

Which trend do you never want to follow?

I think it's more important to know I never want to follow a trend because of the wrong reasons. If I like something it's not important if it's trendy or not. Then I do it. But I would never follow a trend just to follow it BECAUSE it's trendy.

Which person would you like to get to know better?

My grandma. She's 95 years old now and I know nearly nothing about her.

When have you cried the last time?

Yesterday morning when I've heard that Bowie died. I put on Starman and then it overcome me.

When have you laughed hearty the last time?

Just now, when I got a message from Tobias Mertens. But sadly I can't recite the content. (laughs)

Where is for you the most beautiful place on earth?


Who are you?

To figure this out, that's my life task.


I love the risk!



Which memories are sacred to you?

The memory of the birth of my nephew. I was in the waiting room with my best friend and brother-in-law and could hold the little one even before my sister could. (gleams)

What are you keeping like a treasure?

For sure my guitars.

Your favorite daydream?

Standing on stage with Metallica and performing one of their songs.

Which characteristic do you miss in yourself?

Memory power. (grins) No idea where it's remaining.

When did you last learn something from another person – and what?

I try to learn something from my fellow humans everyday. Therefore it always changes.

Is there anything in the future that discomforts you? Are you able to change it?

There is nothing discomforting me. I'm looking forward to the future and everything coming.

What are the first three things you're paying attention to, regarding your dialogue partner?

The eyes, the hands and the posture. It can reveal a lot about a person.

Ten years ago, did you imagine your here and now the way it is at the moment?

No. Ten years ago I thought I would have a family right now and be a either lawyer or psychologist.

Is there a song which changed your life?

Kashmir from Led Zeppelin. This song floated my boat for guitars.

Often the last thought before falling asleep?

I often summarize the day and try to remember if I forgot something.

Which style is better: the one from yesterday, today or tomorrow?

That's totally indifferent for me. I wear what's on top in the cupboard.

Do you dress as you feel or do you disguise yourself?

I definitely dress like I feel.

How important is fashion for people?

Style can give you self-confidence, but it can also deceive. It can declare someone's personality and represent a statement. It's for sure blessing and curse at the same time.

How is your own style?

Like I said: I wear what's on top in the cupboard. (grins)

Which tradition do you appreciate?

I don't know if it's a 'tradition', but I prize it highly when a man is a gentleman and treats a woman how she deserves it. With respect.

Which tradition do you miss nowadays?

The one mentioned above – and in general manners in the community.

Which tradition would you like to relinquish?


Which childhood dream do you still pursue?

Exactly the one why I'm answering this interview right now. As a child, I wanted to be a rockstar. (smirks)

Who knows you best?

My (girl)friend, the band and my family.

Who is very attractive for you?

My tailor.

Would immortality be a curse or a blessing for you?


Which bad habit can't you part with?


Your craziest action to get the attention of the opposite sex?

I once ran into a police station, waving with my 'dingdong' and singing Last Christmas backwards. (laughs) For sure not... no idea... I can't remember anything.

Which smell do you sense as tempting?

The smell of wood and a freshly built guitar. Equally significant is the smell of a guitar case which you open. It always smells like 'on tour'.

What would you risk to stay true to yourself?

I don't need to risk anything. I just stay true to myself.

With whom would you like to go out for diner?

With my deceased grandfather. He seemed to be a very fascinating, wise and intelligent man. Sadly I haven't witnessed it, since I was too young when he died.

What's your favorite decade? And why this one?

My favorite decade?! I live in the here and now. I don't know if it's the best time, but I think life is what you make out of it. Therefore I enjoy the moment and the here and now.

Do you need the risk? In which dose?

I love the risk! If I had the money and time, I would challenge it very often.

What do you feel connected to?

To the boys in my band and our crew. That's like a tour-family.

What makes you different from others?

The ability to see something positive in everything.

What would you like to share with others?

Nothing. It's all MIIIINE. (laughs) The guys are perfect the way they are. I wouldn't change one of them

What was your favorite toy as a child?

My Hulk-Hogan action figure.

What's your favorite toy nowadays?

My guitars.

What's most fascinating for you regarding the opposite sex?

Everything and nothing.

What's most confusing for you regarding the opposite sex?

The showering 'without hair'.

What have you always wanted to know?

The lottery numbers for the next draw.

What's romance for you?

Romance is in every moment. Romance for me is a calm second of togetherness.

Your last experienced romantic moment?

I just had some calm moments on my toilet.

How many CDs do you own approximately?

I don't know. Some are stored in the basement of my parent's house. I think some hundred.

Have you ever bought a CD from yourself?


Which insight would you like to let other people know?

An insight which many people let others know, but only few really live and understand it. Enjoy your life and be happy about the here and now. Decide to be happy and let no one block this decision.

Which band impressed you as child/teen most?

Metallica and Led Zeppelin. These two bands really shaped me.

If your life was an album, how would it be called?


Which album have you last listened to without doing anything else?

Lamb of God with the album Sturm und Drang

Which album would you recommend to your biggest enemies/antagonists?

Metallica Lulu. As a Metallica-fan, I think this album is extremely awful.

Are you, during concert visits, in the first rows or more in the back, as a silent listener?

Depends on the band. For some bands I'm in the first row and for others I'm at the bar and enjoy the evening with a few beers and some friends. But I can also wait hours in the cold before the show, so I can be in the first row.

Which concert did you first and last bought a ticket for?

Mark Tremonti in HH.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

Everything. I'm very curious about it.

What's the best from your past?

As mentioned above: The birth of my nephew.

Which trend caught you last?

STAR WARS!!! But this trend is one for many years and I happily let myself get carried away by it.

Which trend do you never want to follow?

Huiuiui... there are many.

Which person would you like to get to know better?

My friends and family. I barely have time for my closest friends and I would love to change this.

When have you cried the last time?

Actually, the last time was on stage.

When have you laughed hearty the last time?

I always laugh.

Where is for you the most beautiful place on earth?

My home.

Who are you?



Mortality creates appreciation.



Which memories are sacred to you?

Each one! Everything I experienced until now makes me who I am today.

What are you keeping like a treasure?

My integrity, and still I see it staggering sometimes.

Your favorite daydream?

To stay at beautiful beaches of the world and enjoying my time.

Which characteristic do you miss in yourself?

Unquestioning nature.

When did you last learn something from another person – and what?

Some days ago. It's the aim to obtain unconfined integrity.

Is there anything in the future that discomforts you? Are you able to change it?

The human being will always continue to push its personal interests trough. And I won't be able to change this.

What are the first three things you're paying attention to, regarding your dialogue partner?

Facial expression, body language, frame of mind.

Ten years ago, did you imagine your here and now the way it is at the moment?

I haven't imagined how today could be.

Is there a song which changed your life?

Blackfield Lullaby.

Often your last thought before falling asleep?

“How long do I need today until I fall asleep...?”

Which style is better: the one from yesterday, today or tomorrow?

Today. I decide every day about my style. Everything else is orientation for me. But no rating.

Do you dress as you feel or do you disguise yourself?

How I feel, that's how I dress.

How important is fashion for people?

I can only say how important it is for me. It's my personal expression of taste and self-display.

How is your own style?

I can't answer this question.

Which tradition do you appreciate?

Education. Respect of the other person. Respect of everything around us. That's not really a tradition, but something that hopefully snoozes in everyone of us.

Which tradition do you miss nowadays?

Exactly what I described in the question beforehand.

Which tradition would you like to relinquish?


Which childhood dream do you still pursue?

To uphold my happiness. I fulfilled many other.

Who knows you best?

My sister.

Who is very attractive for you?

There are many who I think are attractive on different levels.

Would immortality be a curse or a blessing for you?

Curse. Mortality creates appreciation.

Which bad habit can't you part with?

Laziness. But this is also a blessing.

Your craziest action to get the attention of the opposite sex?

Too many crazy things.

Which smell do you sense as tempting?

The smell of women.

What would you risk to stay true to yourself?

Sadly still not enough. The aim means to risk everything.

With whom would you like to go out for diner?

Lemmy, David Bowie. But I still have some time for this purpose.

What's your favorite decade? And why this one?

I don't have one. Today is my favorite time.

Do you need the risk? In which dose?

Yes, I need it. Sometimes I feel like it. But I don't need the risk to be in a critical condition.

What do you feel connected to?

To my family and band.

What makes you different from others?


What would you like to share with others?

My experiences, my stories, my help.

What was your favorite toy as a child?


What's your favorite toy nowadays?


What's most fascinating for you regarding the opposite sex?

The opposite sex.

What's most confusing for you regarding the opposite sex?

The opposite sex.

What have you always wanted to know?

How to uphold my happiness.

What's romance for you?

To make a moment unbearably wonderful for two people.

Your last experienced romantic moment?

You shouldn't talk about romance. It must be done.

How many CDs do you own approximately?

A few hundred.

Have you ever bought a CD from yourself?


Which insight would you like to let other people know?

All. It's situation-related.

Which band impressed you as child/teen most?


If your life was an album, how would it be called?

Live today, die tomorrow. Sometimes I'm surprised what an epic title we have created.

Which album have you last listened to without doing anything else?

Bring Me The Horizon That's The Spirit.

Which album would you recommend to your biggest enemies/antagonists?

Maybe everything from Goethes Erben. I had suicidal thoughts while seeing this live.

Are you, during concert visits, in the first rows or more in the back, as a silent listener?

I now go to the back, or: where you can see/hear best. The times of moshpits and crowdsurfing are slowly over. But I still like both.

Which concert did you first and last bought a ticket for?

Bad Religion 1998, Ghost 2015 (both are for me concerts which shaped my life).

What are you looking forward to in the future?

My vacation, our tours, my family, my friends, my health. The order has been chosen randomly.

What's the best from your past?

The life I lived until now. I try not to pick explicit favorites.

Which trend caught you last?

Chewing gum. (grins)

Which trend do you never want to follow?

To be possessed by medias and social networks, while social life becomes stunted.

Which person would you like to get to know better?

Everyone who is close to me. Apart from that, everyone gets a chance. There are many people who I want to get to know better. I'm a friend of mankind. Can't believe it myself sometimes.

When have you cried the last time?

When choosing the song, which changed my life.

When have you laughed hearty the last time?

Yesterday when I was eating with the men of my family. And when I was watching Tatortreiniger yesterday.

Where is for you the most beautiful place on earth?

Where I'm happy. It's not dependent on the place. But the place contributes to happiness.

Who are you?

I am Klaas Helmecke. And that's good.


It gives me the biggest inner peace.


Which memories are sacred to you?

My “Jugend-musiziert” (youth-makes music) concerts in the age of nine to twelve.

What are you keeping like a treasure?

My equipment.

Your favorite daydream?

Vacation in a six-star hotel with a weight room.

Which characteristic do you miss in yourself?

Calmness, retentiveness.

What in the future discomforts you?


What are the first three things you're paying attention to, regarding your dialogue partner?

Pleasant charisma, communication skills, look.

Ten years ago, did you imagine your here and now the way it is at the moment?

Basically yes. I always wanted to play in a band and fulfill myself in the music.

Is there a song which changed your life?

No, but there are some which shaped my musical orientation: A Nightmare To Remember (Dream Theater), Page One (Tower of Power), Hot Wired (Brent Mason), East Bound and Down (Jerry Reed), Dead City Radio (Rob Zombie)... and many more.

Often your last thought before falling asleep?

“Man... I'm totally done.” (grins)

Which style is better: the one from yesterday, today or tomorrow?


Do you dress as you feel or do you disguise yourself?

How I feel.

How important is fashion for people?

I partially believe the visual identity can give some indication of some characteristics of a person (care, order, creativity etc).

How is your own style?

Jeans + shirt.

Which tradition do you appreciate?

Practicing daily and visiting the gym. It gives me the biggest inner peace.

Which tradition do you miss nowadays?

I rather miss character traits like down-to-earthness, perseverance and faith in your own strength.

Which tradition would you like to relinquish?


Which childhood dream do you still pursue?

To become to best drummer of the world.

Who knows you best?

My parents.

Who is very attractive for you?


Would immortality be a curse or a blessing for you?


Which bad habit can't you part with?

Eating fast food.

Your craziest action to get the attention of the opposite sex?

This stays secret!

What would you risk to stay true to yourself?

I can't answer this generally.

With whom would you like to go out for diner?

John Petrucci.

What's your favorite decade? And why this one?

The 80s: musicians deserve much more money.

Do you need the risk? In which dose?


What do you feel connected to?

To Lord of the Lost.

What makes you different from others?

I'm obsessed with my aims and do EVERYTHING to achieve them.

What would you like to share with others?

My ambition and musical understanding.

What was your favorite toy as a child?

My drums.

What's your favorite toy nowadays?

My drums. You see I haven't developed. (smirks)

What's most fascinating for you regarding the opposite sex?

The appeal.

What have you always wanted to know?

How Arnold Schwarzenegger's everyday life looks like.

What's romance for you?

Making love and cuddling. (grins)

Your last experienced romantic moment?

TV evening with a woman with candlelight.

How many CDs do you own approximately?


Have you ever bought a CD from yourself?


Which insight would you like to let other people know?

That you must have a lot of time and sacrifice a lot to achieve something special in your life. Furthermore you should not only want to survive, but live!

Which band impressed you as child/teen most?

Dream Theater.

If your life was an album, how would it be called?


Which album have you last listened to without doing anything else?

Harms & Kapelle Meilenstein.

Which album would you recommend to your biggest enemies/antagonists?

Everything from Wendler!

Are you, during concert visits, in the first rows or more in the back, as a silent listener?

In the restroom with two women. (grins)

Which concert did you first and last bought a ticket for?

Deep Purple 2006.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

LOTL-album 2016.

What's the best from your past?

Many great moments with my parents!

Which trend caught you last?

Social media.

Which person would you like to get to know better?

John Petrucci, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Oliver Kahn.

When have you cried the last time?

Don't know.

When have you laughed hearty the last time?


Where is for you the most beautiful place on earth?

Near my mum.

Who are you?

Tobias Mertens.


Romance is overrated...



Which memories are sacred to you?
Those which are recorded in an amazingly stuporous way with our video diary 'TV of the Lost
What are you keeping like a treasure?
My hands and my sense of hearing.
Which characteristic do you miss in yourself?
Is there anything in the future that discomforts you? Are you able to change it?
My 30th birthday. Everybody says, you'll start to think and act differently when you're turning 30. The only way to change this, would be to do not to the very same thing.
What are the first three things you're paying attention to, regarding your dialogue partner?
1) Various characteristics (humor, intellect et cetera).
2) Oral hygiene.
3) Semblance, specifically considering 1). (Cue: 'Character can either make you beautiful or ugly.')
Ten years ago, did you imagine your here and now the way it is at the moment?
Yes and no. To be around as a musician: Yes, but not exactly in this stylistic area I am right now. This one always has been my favorite kind of music, but I've never thought I would ever be able to work within this genre.
Is there a song that changed your life?
Several. And they couldn't be more different concerning their style. Way too many to count them.
Your last thought before falling asleep?
'Where are my pants and  and how do I sneak out of here?
Which style do you prefer: Yesterday, today or tomorrow?
Isn't the style of today basically a mixture of yesterday and tomorrow? There are many things about current fashion I don't understand,  thus I pick out my favorites between yesterday and tomorrow.
Do you dress as you feel or do you disguise yourself?
It is a balanced combination of both.
How important is fashion for people?
Fine feathers make fine birds. That's still valid.
How is your own style?
Slim Fit; Concerning some occasions I like to be overdressed; Splendid naffness such as my 'My Little Pony' Pyjamapants.
Which tradition do you appreciate?
Beer and sandwiches with ground pork at removals.
Which tradition do you miss nowadays?
Not any. Some things just have to be discarded as time passes.
Which tradition would you like to relinquish?
Christmas. It went out of control.
Which childhood dream do you still pursue?
My current job: Musician.
Who knows you best?
Me; my mom.
Who is very attractive for you?
Only my browser history will tell you that.
Would immortality be a curse or a blessing for you?
Definitive a curse!
Which bad habit can't you part with?
My latent laziness.
Your craziest action to get the attention of the opposite sex?
To say: 'Hey, my name is Gared. I am keyboardist for Lord of the Lost!'. It didn't work. Some instruments should not be named towards women.
What would you risk to stay true to yourself?
What's your favorite decade? And why this one?
It's always the one I am living in, so it's the 2010's era right now. Why? Progression is terrific!
Do you need the risk? In which dose?
Hell, no! Please, no surprises.
What do you feel connected to?
To myself.
What makes you different from others?
I could not care less...
What would you like to share with others?
My rationality.
What was your favorite toy as a child?
My piano and my drum set.
What's your favorite toy nowadays?
Same as above.
What's most fascinating for you regarding the opposite sex?
The sex.
What's most confusing for you regarding the opposite sex?
Everything else.
What have you always wanted to know?
We are able to fly to other planets.. Why the fuck do some simple road works need X years to be finished and bring everything to a halt?! I am asking myself this question for years.
What's romance for you?
Romance is overrated...
How many CDs do you own approximately?
Ca. 200.
Have you ever bought a CD from yourself?
Yes, of course! To give it as a present.
Which insight would you like to let other people know?
Vegan diet is as harmful for our environment and people as eating everything else we are considered evolutionary  able to eat. And that's a lot! We are omnivores!
Which band impressed you as child/teen most?
Dream Theater.
If your life was an album, how would it be called?
To drift.
Which album have you last listened to without doing anything else?
'Hand. Cannot.Erase' - Steven Wilson. A magnificent work of art!
Which album would you recommend to your biggest enemies/antagonists?
'Chaos Years ('Best of') - Strapping Yound Lad.
As much filled with hatred as possible. Or anything from Justin Bieber.
Are you, during concert visits, in the first rows or more in the back, as a silent listener?
Silent listener. If possible within so called Acoustic Sweet Spot, closed to the mixer console.
Which concert did you first and last bought a ticket for?
First: Somewhere between 2001 and 2003, Die Ärzte in Braunschweig.
Last: Steven Wilson in Hamburg.
What's the best from your past?
Moving to Hamburg in 2008 and everything else that has happened from that time onward.
Which trend caught you last?
Which trend do you never want to follow?
That blind veganism everybody is hyping right now.
Which person would you like to get to know better?
Steven Wilson or Chris Corner (IAMX).
When have you cried the last time?
Yesterday, during cutting onions.
When have you laughed hearty the last time?
In case of doubt during on of those many nightliner moments, right before going to bed, when you're sitting together, drinking and doing nonsense.
Where is for you the most beautiful place on earth?
On tour.
Who are you?
Gared Dirge - instrumentalistic all-purpose whore of Lord of the Lost.



Translation: Nico Scissorhands