
If you have a request for any interview, video or something else Lord of the Lost related, just comment right here. (Please ignore the 'website' section).

You can also contact us via Facebook or Instagram message.

Comments: 15
  • #15

    MTem (Tuesday, 28 May 2024 11:52)

    Hello! Thank you SO much for all your work, it's greatly appreciated! I'd like to leave a request for episode 9 of the SWISS+HARMS podcast. Thank you so much again!

  • #14

    KD (Friday, 22 March 2024 10:00)

    Hello! Danke schön for all the hard work! I'm so happy to be able to read the Swiss + Harms episodes and I would love for more to be translated when you have time :)

  • #13

    Karla (Saturday, 24 February 2024 12:53)

    At first, Thank U so much for your work. I would like to ask for the folge 2 DER PODCAST cause idk if there’s still not ready or is a problem with the page (is blank).

    Thanks again,



  • #12

    Saija (Wednesday, 10 January 2024 02:54)

    It's a long one, I know, but I'd be so interested to have an English transcript of the Pastor Simonsen and Chris discussion on Judas from 2021, please:

    Thanks in advance!

  • #11

    Violet (Wednesday, 21 June 2023 11:00)

    There is a new interview with Chris in Met & Mosfit where he talk there about something about coke and hoes �
    Can you translate that interview? Chapter 61 podcast from 21.6.2023

    Thank you.

  • #10

    Alaska Forge (Tuesday, 21 July 2020 15:09)

    Hey ! Thanks for the work you're doing here. Could you please do the translation of the LordCasts in German ? Especially the 4th one. Thanks again ^^

  • #9

    Emma (Tuesday, 23 June 2020 17:12)

    Can you translate the 6th episode of the LordCast please?

  • #8

    Brenda (Tuesday, 21 May 2019 04:40)

    Hi!! Have you thought about or plan to translate this interview? Please!! � And thank you for these translations!! I'm following you now! :)
    "Lord Of The Lost | Interview mit Gared & Nik | Thornstar | Partyhut |" Here the link:

  • #7

    Gared's Q&A (episode 201) (Monday, 13 May 2019 01:51)

    Hi, thanks for take all this work to help us, the non-german speaking people. I would like you to translate the episode 201.

    Thanks in advance �

  • #6

    B (Friday, 01 March 2019 00:53)

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Website!

    Ich liebe deutsche Musik (LotL, ASP, ...) und ich lerne Deutsch seit zwei Jahren. Doch es ist immer noch schwer für mich, daher ist diese Website sehr nützlich.

    - dein Freund in Australien

  • #5

    Anais Trujillo (Wednesday, 27 February 2019 05:30)

    Please can you translate the episode 53-SPECIAL: Fragestunde #2 ???

    Please please please!!

  • #4

    Joy (Friday, 15 February 2019 04:06)

    Hello, thank you so much for translating all these interviews! I am in Canada and do not speak German, so I really appreciate being able to read the translations in English! I am hoping you could do a translation for TV of the Lost Episode 396 Fanterview with Class Grenayde that just came out. If you can I would be very grateful! Thank you!

  • #3

    Entelehija (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 17:28)

    Hello! I really appreciate that huge work you've done and do!!! With your help I have known many interesting information. It's always a great pleasure for me to read your translations, as my German is still not so good to understand most of things the band's memebers say. I have a question: is there any chance to see translation of the TV Of The Lost: Episode 295 - FANTERVIEW CHRIS HARMS? That would be great!!!

  • #2

    Shane Alexander (Saturday, 17 September 2016 02:28)

    I have a request. TV of the Lost episode 202 Fragestunde mit Class Grenayde. I know it's a lot, but I've been wanting to know since it came out what he was saying, since he's my favorite. I have a Facebook, and I check your page regularly, so if you do it, I will see. Thank you very much.

  • #1

    Anna (Tuesday, 31 May 2016 23:42)

    Sonic Seducer, June 2016
    Thanks! :)